Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nobody Is Sleeping Tonight

"Judge Morrison , thank you for getting me out of that courthouse...Oh My God..It was a riot in there.."said Assistant District Attorney Yvonne Harris.

"Ohhh no problem...You've had a pretty bad day...A pretty rough couple of weeks...I could see you needed a break."said Judge Keith Morrison.

"Thank you so much...That jackass...That Jackass Lt. Tragg fouled up the investigation...We had what looked like a slam dunk, but he left some things out...Failed to follow up on other things.. Personally I don't know how he made detective, let alone Lieutenant and and then he started that ruckus with those reporters...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." said ADA Harris..

"Now..Now..Relax, calm down..forget about it..It's over.. How about a drink? A couple of drinks? You could use it.."said Keith Morrison..

She breathed heavy...

"I suppose I could." she said..

They went to a bar in downtown Philadelphia and knocked back a few drinks and talked..

"I always wanted to be a lawyer...but I came from a modest background...So I started modeling..At first simple stuff , then Lingerie, Bathing suits...I had a pretty good figure.." said ADA Harris..

''Pretty Good? You have an awesome body...You did then...You still do." said Judge Morrison.

She sighed.

"You know....You Know I'm a former MS. PANTIES winner." she said.

"Baby, everybody knows...Where is the shame?" asked Judge Morrison as he ordered even more drinks for the two of them..
"It's not all of who I am...I have a Masters in Criminal Justice...I went to Law School for three years..I passed the bar...I've been a pretty decent Attorney for most of my career...That's who I am..I don't want the fact that I took some photos in my bra and panties once to define me."said ADA Yvonne Harris..

"And it won't....Did you know that Olivia Bennett-Alexander ,The attorney

modeled bathing suits ,while she was in Law School and FBI Deputy Special Agent in Charge, Sharon Ferrell-Hopkins 

modeled when she was in law school too?
ADA Keith Wallace's wife, Detective Carlotta Rodriguez-Wallace, not only modeled lingerie,but appeared in a couple of music videos before she went to the academy and became a cop and later a detective...

It's nothing to be ashamed of...You do what you have to do to get by..."said Judge Morrison.

"You know all of the women's secrets don't you?" said ADA Harris,laughing..

"I don't know yours...Being a former winner of MS. PANTIES is no big secret." said Judge Morrison..

She smiled...She rubbed his hands softly...They continued to drink....

Some hours later...They went to an all night coffee shop and had some coffee..

"Ouuuuu, I'm a bit tipsy...Thank you for the coffee.." she said, laughing slyly...

"Oh you're welcome.. Look, you're in no shape to drive.." he said softly...."I have a room in a nearby hotel, you're welcome to sleep it off and I'll take you to your car in the morning.." he said softly...

He had been feeling her legs and running his hands up her skirt for the past hour...She was well aware of this and surprisingly had not tried to stop him..

He gently tugged on the waistband of her panties, but did not attempt to go any further..

She smiled...

"Let's go then.." she said softly as she casually removed his hands..
Once they got to the room , she kicked off her shoes..
She closed the door softly and locked it..

"Would you help me with my zipper..?" she asked coyly..

The Judge smiled but hesitated..

"You've been feeling me up all night..Help me with my zipper and I'll help you with YOURS!" she said as she unzippered his trousers...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my goodness...I thought so. WOW!" she said as she took both hands and massaged his erect and engorged penis..

"WOW!  You've got a big one!" she exclaimed..."Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."

"Ouuuuuuu girl, what are you doing?" he asked...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….you'll find out." she said and smiled..."Myyyy goodness."she exclaimed..

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.."he moaned as he unzippered her dress..
She was wearing matching floral bikini panties and bra....Judge Morrison nearly lost his mind..
He was out of his clothes within minutes and soon she and he were standing in the middle of the floor kissing passionately...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Judge Morrison.."she moaned..


For some reason...of all of the thoughts in his mind that he could have...He thought of his son, Keith Jones, one of the attorneys who had just beat her in court..He hoped he was taking care of that fine
Beatrice Evans...His girlfriend and probably the Judges's future daughter in law..


And at that moment..

In my apartment....

Bee Bee was lying across my new bed in just panties and a white wife beater, reading something..

I had bought a new bed, exactly like the one she had in her room that I enjoyed so much....
"What are you reading bae?" I asked..

She put the book down and took her glasses off..

"Just the rest of Boxley's novel...The particular love scene got me hot."she said softly.

I slipped her wife beater off..

"This gets me hot.. You...You get me hot." I said..

"Good to know." she said..

I pulled her to me and kissed her.....
We rolled over on my bed.. and soon were making love..... Kissing and slobbering on each other...

Bee Bee softly cooing, her legs shaking, her body trembling...

"Ouuuuu baby...ouuuuuuuu go slow...don't rush...….Take care of your Bee Bee.." she cooed in my ear, which got me even more excited...

My body was  trembling...

"Ohhhhhhh I'll always take care of you girl..didn't I tell you that" I moaned..

"You...You promise?" she asked...

"I promise.." I said..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bae, I love you...You don't even know how much.."she moaned.

"I love you too Bee Bee.." I said softly...

I felt as if I'd died and gone to heaven...
Bee Bee positioned herself on top of me and rode me slowly and softly...I was at the point of madness it was so good..

Bee Bee  was soon crying profusely and having an intense orgasm on top of another one...

and I was cumming as hard as I'd ever came in this softer than soft bed...


Bee Bee  was soon crying profusely and having an intense orgasm on top of another one...

and I was cumming as hard as I'd ever came in this softer than soft bed...

Sofia and Kahlil seemed to always beat us to the punch..

They didn't bother to eat anything after trial, the came back to our apartment complex..

They were kissing in the hallway...

Kissing Sofia took her heels off...

 Sofia was saying something in Spanish...

Kahlil could have cared less...He was still kissing her up against the door

and struggling for his key..

Kahlil didn't know and he didn't care...

Once inside , he helped Sofia take her clothes off, still kissing her and rubbing her legs and he butt...and kissing her...

They undressed and fell into the bed...

They were in their FOURTH HOUR of sweet lovemaking by the time Bee and I got back to my apartment, which was two doors down...

We could hear the bed squeaking and the headboard rattling..

They were really having a time over there and they were good and loud...


No...No one was sleeping tonight..

And in my pops hotel room , he was driving Assistant District Attorney Yvonne Harris crazy..

EIGHT TO NINE HOURS of non stop lovemaking in that bed and he didn't seem like he was even close to stopping..

"Judge..ouuuuu Are you on Cialis or Viagra, my goodness.." said Yvonne Harris, trying to catch her breath..

"No...Not yet...maybe in a few years.." he said... He was breathing heavy too..

"Oh My've made me cum about four times....Ouuuuuuu, it's been a long time since I've cum so much and sooo hard..ouuuu.." she said..

and ADA Harris was having another orgasm...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she screamed out....She licked my dad's neck and blew softly in his ear..

Finally he came....She breathed a sigh of relief...He was like a machine..She didn't know if she could take much more...Her legs were shaking....She was trembling...She felt as if she was having another orgasm.....

"UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH..." he moaned....continuing to come...He was trembling too!

He lie in her arms ,sleeping silently...He peered at her and dozed back off into a deep peaceful sleep...As he slept , surprisingly he thought about his son's fine supervisor, Yvette Jones, someone he'd love to get up here in this bed..

He knew that she was seeing an investigator from the D.A.'s office...

He assumed she was being taking care of right now..


He wasn't wrong...

Yvette and Gary were standing in his terrace, staring out at the city...
and kissing passionately....

He had placed a new couch on the terrace since Yvette liked it so much...

Yvette stared deeply into Gary's beautiful green eyes and continued kissing him..

"Let's go over to my new couch.." he said softly..

"Ouuu Gary, calm down.." she said..

He nearly tripped..She giggled... He laid her down on the couch...

 "You are sooo bad.."she whispered and giggled..

"You put this couch up here so you could screw me up here didn't you?" she asked..

"Nah...Nahhhh what made you think that?" he laughed raffishly..

"Liar" giggled Yvette.. "It is soft....ouuu and it moves with my body..." she said, plopping on his new couch like a little girl.

"Yessssssssssssssss….it is soft, just like you.."said Gary...
"Ummmmmm you know all the right things to say..."said Yvette..

They began making sweet love on his couch....
 "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd Gary!" she moaned..

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....I've been wanting to do it to you up here for weeks" he cried out... 

"I know...I know Gary...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she cooed.. 

The couch was squeaking out of control... 

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh my god...Vette Vette you are so soft, so wet baby..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." 

"Gary ,ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." she cried out... 

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Vettie...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he moaned.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gary....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she cooed..

 "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl..." he moaned.

. "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned... 

" are sooo soft, sooo wet baby...I'm going crazyyyy.."he moaned..

 "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gary....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....." SHE COOED...

 "OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" he moaned loudly... 

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd Gary!" she moaned..

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY godddddddddddddd!!"she cried out!!! 

SIX TO SEVEN HOURS of non stop lovemaking on that couch slipped aimlessly by...

No, he was certain Yvette was being taken care of..

And in the apartment across the street from his son and Beatrice, The cute Asian Girl, their investigator, Jade Lee..
 Had a nice greeting for Lt. Danny Ho of Robbery-Homicide upon his arrival..
She greeted him in one of his shirts and panties...
and she promptly loved him a long time tonight...

The next morning Judge Morrison and ADA Harris took a long hot shower together...Kissing, soaping each other down...

Still wet from the shower, They sat on the bed, where she moved up and down on him, riding him for close to TWO HOURS!... 

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she cooed..

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he moaned.

He was in great shape for a man his age....She had no idea he would have this much energy or stamina..or be able to make her feel sooo good in the bed......
He bent her over the bed and took her from the back.....he made her scream out with pleasure....
ANOTHER TWO HOURS went by....Where did he get his energy and stamina? she knew men much younger who couldn't last as long as he did..

He finally came.. She was glad...She too had had an intense orgasm..Both of her legs were trembling..

She had no hangover from all that drinking the night before...That was good.

 "Thank you for a....a very interesting night AND MORNING your honor.." she giggled as she put on her panties and fastened her bra...
"You are quite welcome..."he laughed.. getting dressed..

"You're not going to go back and brag to your Judge friends that you got me drunk and took advantage of me are you?" she asked..She was putting on her make up and fixing her hair..

Judge Morrison passed her her dress...

"You're a keen Attorney, already planning your defense huh?...The answer is no..I'm not Juvenile like that." he said and he wasn't..

"This will never get out...unless you leak it.." he said..

She kissed him slowly..

"Then thank you...Thank you for a wonderful night...I needed that..."she said and smiled as she put her dress back on..
"Let's exchange numbers and addresses" he said pulling out his phone..

"Ughhhh let's not!....This was a nice night...I'll always remember it...But that's all it can be..All it should be." she said.

She looked at her phone...There were several calls from Lt. Tragg during the night..

She shook her head in disgust..She didn't care what he wanted.

"You're a smart woman...."said Judge Morrison, putting his phone away..


It was near daybreak, Lt. Tragg was just getting released from the hospital.

He had two black eyes...but other than that, he was fine..

He was once again the laughing stock of the department...

He had called Assistant District Attorney Yvonne Harris all night long, but her phone went to voicemail..

Probably drunk, sleeping off the disaster the case had been..he thought.

Perhaps he'd get himself some coffee.

He stumbled into Sam Mother's diner...

He saw ,sitting at one table..

The snot nose attorneys who had won a victory the day before and had ruined his reputation again...
Keith Jones, Beatrice Evans, Kahlil Ahmed and Sofia Garcia.. Their boss was nowhere in sight.. Good! He thought..

They must have the day off...They weren't dressed for work..

Across from them was his other arch nemesis's..

Attorney Olivia Bennett-Alexander and Her husband, Donnie Ray,their Investigator. Her smart alecky niece, Attorney Beverly West-East  and her husband,Attorney Nelson East...

and at the table behind them, their para legal, Josie Boyd and some guy he didn't know..

These two sets of attorneys represented his last two embarrassments...Losses in both cases...Not to mention how many more...

Hot plates of Pancakes and sausage and Eggs were delivered to their tables...

They paid him no mind, they were busy,laughing ,talking and chowing down.

He sat at the counter ,hoping they wouldn't notice him..

"Tough one yesterday eh Artie.?" said Sam Mother..

'WOW!  You really took a beating yesterday....That one reporter you slugged was pretty big huh?"said Sam Mother..

''Yeah look Sam, No Offense...I just want some coffee...I don't want to talk about anything."said Lt. Tragg..

"Okay,Okay..Geeez."said Sam Mother who poured him a cup of coffee and passed him creams and sugars...

Just then, Lt. Danny Ho walked in with his girlfriend, Jade Lee..

 "Good Morning Lieutenant...Whoa...what the hell happened to you?" asked Danny Ho..

"Don't ask!" was all Lt. Tragg would offer..

"He's a real grouch today Danny."said Sam Mother...

Jade couldn't help it..She giggled and walked over to the area where her friends and co-workers were sitting and took a booth behind them...

Yvette Jones walked in with Gary Lockwood...

Was everybody off work today?...It was a Thursday..

Yvette went over and kissed Olivia on the cheek and spoke to her young charges and Beverly, Nelson and Josie and Paris.

Then she joined Gary...

"I got us a booth bae." she said to Gary , then took a look at Lt. Tragg's face..both eyes swollen, his cheek purplish and swollen..

"Oh My God!!!...What happened to you?" she asked.

"Leave him be Vettie. .He's in a bad mood.. Probably cause you won that big case and one of those reporters he attacked cleaned his clock." said Sam Mother.

"Listen you ,stick to slingin hash OKAY? ...When I want news..I'll buy a paper.." yelled Lt. Tragg..

And so it goes...Not everybody had a good night.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...