Saturday, March 30, 2019

Green Envy


Another Sunrise

It was Saturday....Another Sunrise...
Another Sunrise and Elwood Barnes, Attorney Elwood Barnes was waking up.....

There was a naked woman lying beside him... He couldn't remember her name...He picked her up in a bar near his insurance company where he worked as Chief Counsel...
 They had made out in the bar....
 and later on back in his duplex...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mister Barnes....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mister Barnes...Ouuuuuu!" she moaned.

They had made hot sweaty love for several positions...

and had both drunkenly fallen asleep...
Elwood peered across his room...

several Bras and pairs of panties

 lie on the floor...They belonged to several hot young ladies he had entertained...

His floor hadn't looked like this in over three years...The entire time he had lived with Alexandria, there was no underwear on the floor or anywhere....She had been the only woman he had slept with...Since she had been gone ,he'd gone back to his old ways...

He got up, showered, shaved and put on some clean clothes and did something he rarely did...He collected the various bras and panties and put them in a green hefty trash can bag... He collected the clothing and underwear of his date and folded everything neatly and lay them in the chair beside the bed and he called and UBer..

He swept up and actually mopped his kitchen floor... He collected the condom wrappers and used condoms and placed them all in his hefty trash bag...For the first time since Alexandria left him...His place looked clean and there was no clue to the debauchery that had been going on..
He gently woke the sleeping woman up....He had made coffee... She showered and got dressed and had a cup of coffee with him...She unlike the others he had bedded was not about to leave her underwear behind...He liked that much about her..

They talked or rather she talked...He pretended to listen and smiled and nodded his head...
He wasn't interested in what she had to say....After she was finished...
They kissed briefly....She left her number on a piece of paper on his breakfast table and left, getting in the UBER...
Elwood ripped the piece of paper to shreds and put it in the same Hefty Trash can bag as the assorted panties and bras, condoms and condom wrappers that were on the floor of his room.. He deposited the bag into a trash can and set it outside...

He no longer got any joy out of picking up random women and sleeping with them.....In fact it bored him now...Had it of bored him sooner like years ago.. He might still be married to Olivia Bennett-Alexander
His first married to someone else and an acclaimed Defense Attorney...
Or maybe he would have had a chance with Zoey, A Divorce Lawyer ,who totally entranced him in and out of the bed...Who he was madly in love with...

Or another Attorney, Alexandria Miller
Who he had lived with for three years, Who right now  might be his wife or at best his fiancé
… He missed waking up to just her...Just having sex with her...Just kissing her...

Since she had left him and moved out...He had had about 9 women in his Duplex...Three of whom had spent the night...It wasn't the same..
Elwood looked at the calender.  It wasn't St. Patrick's Day....That had been two weeks before..One of his company's clients had given him the key to a house on Boathouse Row, but he hadn't gone......He was supposed to go that weekend, but it had rained and there was light snow. The weather was great today... What better day to go than today? 

He needed solace.. He put on his hat, got in his latest car and pulled off.


Philadelphia's Boathouse Row...a Unique Saturday Morning....I, Donnie Ray Alexander, Investigator for my wife,
Attorney ,Olivia Bennett-Alexander and her niece, Beverly West -East's law firm

was here enjoying drinks with our guests at one of the house's along the row...
Olivia was given the keys to the large boathouse by a very well heeled and grateful client...and along with us...
Beverly's husband, Attorney Nelson East... and our friends,

 Para -Legal, Josie Boyd
Her boyfriend, Paris...
 Attorney Yvette Jones,
her boyfriend, D.A.'s investigator, Gary Lockwood... and her associates...our good friends,
 Attorney ,Keith Jones
His girlfriend, Attorney Beatrice "Bee Bee" Evans,

Attorney Kahlil Ahmed
and his girlfriend, Attorney Sofia Garcia..
 Investigator, Jade Lee and her significant other..
Police  Lieutenant Danny Ho...

We had a nice view of the riverfront from our terrace...
and the boats …...
 and a plethora of great drinks...
 enough to satisfy all of our needs..
for the rest of the day....
"Olivia this is sooo nice...Thanks for inviting all of us..." said Yvette..
''We should all thank Mr. Gotlieb….Every now and then Bev and I take on a client with deep pockets and when we are successful..."said Olivia..
"Which you most always are.."laughed Gary
"We get little perks like this..."laughed Olivia....
"That's a nice perk to have...I hope some of our well to do clients give us some nice perks in the future." said Sofia..
"Yeah like round trip tickets to Paris.." joked Kahlil..
"Or Cancun.." laughed Keith Jones..
"Now you're talking." laughed Bee Bee, who high fived Beverly...
"Your time will definitely come...all the high line clients your firm gets" said Beverly...

"Hey Guys look!" said Josie....
A Boat drove by....A man was pouring an orange like substance into the river that was turning the water green...
"Whoa look at that.."said Paris...
"It's beautiful." said Jade, who like me was seeing this for the first time...
"It is...I remember seeing this as a boy..."said Danny Ho, who was like most of the people here, a native Philadelphian.

"Hey what is he doing?  Is that Legal?" I asked..
"Slow your roll Donnie Ray....They do this every year on St. Patrick's Day.." said Beverly..
"St. Patricks day was weeks ago." I said.
"Yes and it snowed remember? This is a nice balmy 75 degree day." said Beverly...
"Oh.. What is that stuff they're pouring in the river to make it that color?." I asked..

"It's harmless husband...It's an environmentally safe vegetable substance...It's all perfectly legal." said Olivia..
"You would know.." I laughed and smiled at her..

"It's two families...They've been doing this for years."added Yvette.
as we watched in awe...
 "It's beautiful" said Olivia..
 ''Well, I must agree.. It is a sight to see.. And I'm from New Orleans where we use any excuse to party and celebrate and I've never seen anything like this." I said.
 "It's really pretty at night when the light shines off of it.." said Beverly...
 "All my years living here and I never knew this.." said Nelson..
 "Me neither.." said Josie...
 "That's because you were born here...but raised in New York."said Paris.
 "My Mom took me to see this when I was little.." said Keith Jones..
 "My dad took me and Sofia  to see it too.." said Bee Bee.
 "Wow you two did a lot together.. "said Kahlil..
 "Bee Bee is my sister...." said Sofia without hesitation...

"Sofia is my sister from another mister.." chimed in Bee Bee, hugging her life long friend...

 "Awwwwwww my babies are sooo cute.." said Yvette..
"I'd bet you'd make a great mother..."whispered Gary in Yvette's ears..
"Why?You wanna have a baby with me?" joked Yvette...
"Making one with you would be fun.."joked Gary...
"Ouuuuu" , laughed Yvette...
''Here comes a second round of drinks." said Olivia, who looked a little wobbly...

Elwood looked at the boat carrying the men who were turning the river green...
He shook his head....

"What a waste.." he thought...
He sipped his martini and looked out at the riverfront...
What he didn't know was that two houses down we were drinking and partying...and just one house over...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Miles....Ouuuuuu you want to do it all the time...I thought my ex was the horniest man alive, but you are taking the cake.."moaned  Alex

 as she and Miles Ellis

 kissed passionately inside one of the boathouse homes..

"Isn't this nice?  I ran into an old client of mine when I worked at McCluskey/ Cosen who gave me the keys to his house here for the weekend...It's the perfect getaway.." said ADA Miles Ellis...
"It is...And look at the water.." said Alex ...
As they both peered out at the men turning the water green.....
"Old Philadelphia tradition...You're from Atlanta...Guess you never heard of this huh?  It's for St. Patty's day.." said Miles..
"I gathered...Guess the weather was too bad to do this two weeks ago on St. Patty's day."said Alexandria..
who continued kissing Miles..

"Milllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees." she said...
"Yeah?" he answered in between kisses..
"I'm wearing lime green panties and a lime green bra under this dress..." she said softly...
Miles eyes got as large as saucers and he slipped her dress off...He unhooked her bra and slid her panties down..

She had already unzipped his trousers..and unbuttoned his shirt...
They stood in the middle of the floor ,kissing each other passionately....
Miles bent her over a small table and entered her from behind..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Milessssssssssssssssssssss….." she moaned..
He thrusted mightily...She was so soft and so moist he could barely contain himself...

 "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god, this feels soooo good.." he moaned..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Milleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she cooed...

The table legs were rocking so seemed as if they might break... Finally, he pulled out..pulled her to him and kissed her passionately...

They continued kissing.....They walked up the stairs to the bedroom..

"Miles...We can't do this in his bed!!!!"said Alex..

"Why not?  He's brought women out here...He knows I was bringing you out here.."said Miles as they laid down on top of the bed and began to make sweet love..

They were devouring each other's lips...she softly stroked his penis...

"Ummmmmmm niceeeeeeeeee!" she said...

Alex moaned softly as the massive bed began to squeak and slam against the wall...

''Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...""Ohhh baby, give it to meeeeee....ummmmmmph...Ouuuuuuuuuuu..I needed this...I needed this...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lawddddd ,just put it in me...ohhhhhhhhh"she moaned.

 "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Alex, Alex baby......ouuuuuuuuuu, more, more... ohhhhhh..."he moaned as he moved in and out of her... He admired her fine brown frame....
" Ouuuuu Miles.....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Give it to me strongggg....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sweet sweet mannn,ohhhhhhhhhhhh my godddddddddddd..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....put it on meeeee,WHoaaaaaaaaaa!"she moaned.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gooooddddddd lawdd it's soooo goood...ohhhhhhh..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweeeeet baby yessssssssssssssss."he cried out......out!!

"Morrre...Morreee....morrre...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. " 

"Counselor..ouuuuuu..Counselor....OHHHHHHH. Work me..Work me..Work me darling! WORK ME LIKE A DAMN JOB!!! YESSSSSS, OUUUU YESSS!"she wailed...

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I wanted to do this to you all week!"he cried out...

''The minute your friend told you you could use his boat house this weekend you got a hard on didn't you? she said and laughed...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Yes...Yessssssssssss "he  moaned... Oh my god."he cried out...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Miles..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..Oh my got me sweatin...ohhhhhh..YESSSS ,YESS LAWDD!"she moaned.

They made sweet yet intense love for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS...with no sign of stopping...The bed squeaked something crazy....the headboard slammed violently against the wall..The legs of the bed creaked...

 "Ouuuuu Miles.....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Give it to me strongggg babyyyyyyyyy....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sweet sweet mannn,ohhhhhhhhhhhh my godddddddddddd..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....put it on meeeee,WHoaaaaaaaaaa!Make Alex feel good baby...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"she moaned.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gooooddddddd lawdd it's soooo goood...ohhhhhhh Alexandria ..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweeeeet baby yessssssssssssssss."he criedout

"Morrre...Morreee....morrre...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. you are doing the damn thing girl,lawdddd"he moaned....

"MILES..ouuuuuu.MISTER ELLIS....OHHHHHHH. Work me..Work me..Work me darling! WORK ME LIKE A DAMN JOB!!! YESSSSSS, OUUUU YESSS! OUUUUUUUUUUUU! OHHHHHHH!!!"she wailed... ALex began to climax and shake violently ...Tears began to run down her face like a river and she continued kissing Miles Ellis passionately until he collapsed on top of her coming violently himself.

 They washed up and got dressed...

"Ouuuuu you put a hurtin on me baby..I've worked up quite a thirst..."said a very satisfied Alex..
"Ditto...Let's go find a bar , get some drinks.. Maybe get something to eat." he said, taking her by the hand and walking her out...

Elwood  finished drinking...He had had enough for today...He walked out on the row.....

He laughed and shook his head at the green water....Then he saw a familiar figure..
Olivia...His first wife...She looked a little drunk...What was she doing here? He thought...She had on a Salmon colored form fitting mini skirt...He got an erection just looking at her...He could kick himself for losing her and allowing another man to marry her..
"Livy, what are you doing here?" asked Elwood..
"My god Elwood...I see more of you now than I did when we were married and living under the same roof." said Olivia...That was the alcohol talking...

"A grateful client with deep pockets gave me the keys to his Boathouse and I invited some friends to come out and have a few drinks." she said ,pointing to the rooftop...
Elwood saw  Olivia's husband, Donnie Ray, her niece Beverly and her husband,Nelson..

along with her para-legal and her male friend...

laughing and drinking...

They weren't the only ones....Her friend, Yvette Jones and her boyfriend, D.A.'s Investigator, Gary Lockwood and her four young attorneys, Keith Jones, Bee Bee Evans, Kahlil Ahmed and Sofia Garcia, her investigator, Jade Lee and Lt. Danny Ho of the Philadelphia Police Department.

were also drinking, laughing and talking...
"We've been here all day...We are getting ready to leave soon.."said Olivia..
"You're not driving are you Liv?" asked Elwood with a smile..
"Nooooooooooo..We came in a Mini Bus...It's picking us up..."said Olivia, laughing.. He could tell she was drunk...
"Smart move...You make a lot of smart moves.."said Elwood..
"Thank you...."said Olivia..."Now if you don't mind...I'll be rejoining my party.." said Olivia, who smiled and waved..
Elwood could see that it was a couples thing....He would have been the odd man out...His first little wife had made quite a life for herself since leaving him he mused.

He walked a little bit further and got a shock...

Alexandria and her new boyfriend, ADA Miles Ellis were walking along the row...
He didn't relish running into them...He ducked into one of the empty Boathouses and watched as they walked by...

It killed them watching them kiss....
He pondered the loss of both women...
His ex-wife, Olivia...
and his would be fiancé, Alexandria..
He knew that the reason he had lost both of them was his fault...He knew this...and he couldn't promise that it would be any better for the next woman...He was after all...Who he was..


As Olivia said...A Mini Bus drove up within the next half an hour...and she , her husband, Donnie Ray, Her niece, Beverly, her husband, Nelson, Their para-legal, Josie, her male friend and their friends, Yvette Jones, Gary Lockwood, Keith Jones, Beatrice Evans, Kahlil Ahmed, Sofia Garcia, Jade Lee and Danny Ho all boarded and were driven to their perspective homes...All were too intoxicated to drive back and they knew they would be... So they had this bus service bring them here and deliver them home safely....
 "Ouuuu, I'm good and wasted...So glad for this bus service..."said Olivia to Donnie Ray...
 "Yeah...I'm in no mood to drive myself.."said Donnie Ray...
 Beverly said nothing, her head lie on her husband's shoulder....
 Nelson put his arms around her and held her...
 "I'm staying over Beverly and Nelson's tonight...Come stay with.."whispered Beverly to Paris..
Who smiled gingerly...
 "I'm drunk and I'm horny..." Yvette whispered in Gary's ear..
 "Funny you'd say that Vettie...So Am I.." said Gary and they both laughed...
 ''We are sleeping in your soft bed tonight..."said Keith Jones.
 ''We won't be sleeping...but we'll be in my bed.."said Bee Bee, who had her hands down his trousers and was softly rubbing his penis...Much to his delight....
 "Coming up to my room after we get home?" asked Kahlil
 "Noooo, but you can come to my room and stay with me..."said Sofia....who smiled sheepishly at him..
 "You staying over tonight?" asked Jade Lee to Danny...
"Yes...I'm too drunk to even drive the short distance to my house.." he said...

The Bus was filled to capacity....With the exception of the driver...Only one seat was left...
Elwood watched as they pulled off... 7 happy couples......
He thought he might have been one of those couples... He couldn't even remember the name of the woman he had slept with last night...For the first time in a long time, he felt hollow, empty....

Then up along the coliseum he got another shock....

He saw Zoey!!!   It seemed as if everybody decided to come down to Boathouse Row today!!..

He saw Zoey and she wasn't alone...She was with her husband of nearly a year...Lem..
"Liv told me that a client of hers has a house down here and that she and Bev rented a bus and they were coming down here today..."said Lem..
''Yes, She told me too..She invited us down,but I just wanted to spend a day alone with my hubby, whose been so busy.. She understood.."said Zoey who kissed Lem softly..
"Ummmmmm you've been busy too.." he moaned...

"I imagine Livy and everyone else are plastered by now...Probably on their way home..."said Zoey..
"I hope we see them at Jazz Brunch tomorrow at Josies."said Lem...
"With what I'm gonna put on you tonight mister....WE might not see them.." laughed Zoey seductively...
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd!" said Lem , who took Zoey in his arms...
and attempted to devour the life out of her lips...
Elwood walked away....This was not turning out to be a good year for him...At least not socially...A reminder of his failures...

He now wished he hadn't thrown that girl's number away...Wished he hadn't forgotten her name..