Thursday, March 21, 2019

We Know Who You Are

Elwood Barnes sat in his loft staring out the window at the night sky....For the first time in a long time, he was alone...and uncomfortable being alone...
He had liked Alexandria being around...He had liked the smell of her baby soft skin...He liked the sound of her voice....

He liked her nice round and curvaceous body lying next to him in the bed.

He couldn't believe he had once again blown a relationship...

He was clearly not the man he used to be...A man who wouldn't have cared.
At our house...I too was staring out the window...
The Judge had given us a continuance...
ADA Ron Harper had asked for it...He could sense he was losing his case...He needed to regroup...
Olivia lie across the bed looking at me...She had on a new black bra with white lace and matching panties..

"Donnie Ray, you alright?" she asked.
"Yeah just tired I suppose....This case is just dragging along.."I said and then I turned around...

"Oh My god!!!!...Wowwww!" I said ,staring at eyes almost coming out of my head!  "LAWD!" I proclaimed..
Olivia laughed and pulled me towards her...
She kissed me passionately....

We didn't speak, there was nothing more to say about todays events...We were both glad to be alone and together..

We devoured each others lips......Kissing passionately....

She took my face in her hands and kissed me like it was going out of style..She opened her legs and I slid her panties down....  Olivia ran her hands down my boxer shorts and stopped at my crotch area...

"OH MY GOODNESS!!..DONNIE RAYYYYY!!! THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE THAT YOU'RE THIS HARD AND THIS HUGE..ALREADY ...MY GOODNESS...Woooooooooooooooo" she said....and smiled at me sheepishly....

I slipped my t-shirt off and slipped my shorts off.....

We stood there looking at each other and slowly and softly began kissing right in the middle of the bed....This is how it always began...

  She felt my now engorged penis..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, nothing is wrong with you...Nothing at alll!" she said.

Which made me smile...She smiled too and laughed...
 I hoisted her up and entered her slowly...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm baby...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..GIVE IT ME STROONG!!!" she moaned...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.." was all that came from my mouth....

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu we aren't going to get any sleep for awhile.." said Olivia..

"Not hardly..." I said..

I thrusted my tongue practically down her throat and while squeezing one breast with my hand....I shivered...I was nearly losing my mind....We stared deeply into each others eyes for a minute and then began to softly and slowly kiss again........I lifted her up and slowly entered her more than moist center....I had never felt anything as soft and as good in my entire life...

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed as I continued to thrust , harder and feverishly more.....
I laid her across her bed ,and a few minutes later  I entered her softly and gently and began to stroke her softly and slowly....She moaned and put her arms around my neck and drew me closer to her..I kissed her neck, between her breasts, her cheeks....She continued to kiss my lips and my ears and my chest...She was sweating immensely, more than normal....

 "Ohhh My God...Husband..ouuuuu you feel soo damn good..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." she we got into a nice groove... 

" do you....Oh My God..I'm losing my mind..." I said.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Donnie Ray..." she screamed as I continued to thrust , harder and feverishly more.....She was having a very intense orgasm.. but something was different...very different..

 It was just like last time...

SEVEN OR EIGHT HOURS of sweet ,tender and slow lovemaking continued...The bed wasn't squeaking, but the headboard was definitely slamming up against the wall... 

"Ohhh My feel soo damn good..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.GIVE IT TO ME STRONG...OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" she we got into a nice groove.

 "Oh My God OLIVIA..I'm losing my mind..." I said.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you like that daddy?" she asked...

"Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...morrre...more.."I moaned..

We were kissing, laughing, and squeezing each other gently...I was sucking her sweet breasts...and going crazy....

What a wonderful night this had been...

 "You feel alright now?" she asked..
"I feel great."I said...
''So do I!" she said and laughed...

The next morning...

Alfreda had hot tumblers of coffee and pastries awaiting us...

 "No court today huh?" she said..
 "No, we can all relax for the moment.."said Olivia.
 "I'm a little worried .....Ron Harper is a sly one...He's got something up his sleeve.."said Beverly..
 "I agree..I've seen him pull this stunt before and come out of his hat with something totally shocking.."said Nelson..

"Perhaps...I've got something to tell you all...I dig some digging into our lead Attorney..Eric Barnes..I'll wait until Josie gets here.." I said.
''Awww tell us Donnie Ray.." said Beverly..
"I must admit...Even I want to know now.."said Olivia.
Josie walked in the door just then....
''Well she's here....let's hear it."said Nelson..
"Josie, you were spot on about Eric Barnes...I looked into him... He was born in Boston to Patricia Trevor..The father is listed as our good friend, Elwood Barnes..."I said.

"Good Friend? Speak for yourself.."said Beverly...

 Olivia cracked up...and playfully smacked her niece on the shoulder.
''She gets her sarcasm from me.."laughed Alfreda..

Olivia giggled...

''Elwood was a junior at Harvard Law School..Patricia was a freshman....She dropped out when she became pregnant...Elwood went on to graduate and pass the bar...He or his mother set up a trust fund for the boy. This trust fund paid for the boy's college and law school...It is not known if he had any more contact with the boy's mother or the boy..That boy was Eric Barnes...

Elwood passed the bar and practiced law in Boston for awhile and then left for Philadelphia and a tony law firm and splashy career as a litigator...A top litigator...Within a few years, he was a millionaire..

Right around that time he met a pretty little recent law school graduate who had just passed the bar named Olivia Bennett...After a whirlwind romance and courtship ,they married."I said with a smile..

"Just stop Donnie Ray!!...Don't remind me of the biggest mistake of my life..." said Olivia,laughing..
"Eric must have been 15 or 16 by now."said Josie...
"What happened to Patricia Trevor?" asked Beverly.
"She eventually went back to law school....and graduated and passed the now Eric was in Middle School and she had remarried. She married a man named Thomas Williams, also an Attorney...They had a little girl...named Sybil...She is presently in Harvard Law School..."I said.
"It all makes sense..."said Josie..
"You were right...He is Elwood's son.."said Nelson...
"All the years we were married...All the years we were married..He never told me he had a son...The more I learn about him, the more despicable he sounds..."said Olivia, who looked more disappointed than angry...
"That's alright Auntay...Everybody makes mistakes...At least you didn't continue with that mistake."said Beverly.
"He hasn't seen this boy since he was an infant.."said Alfreda.
"He's probably forgotten all about him.."said Nelson.

Olivia ,Beverly, Josie and Alfreda said in unison-

"No...He knows he has a son back in Boston...but he hasn't laid eyes on him in so long...he's kind of pushed that memory out of his consciousness.." I said..
"But why is Eric here? Why is he working with us?" asked Olivia..
"We'll have to ask him.."I said..
"Or you will Josie."said Beverly..
"Me?" said Josie..
"Come on Josie...You know he has the hots for you...Even I can see it...Always sitting close to you..Smiling and making goo goo eyes at you..Rubbing your legs...I saw the whole thing last week when you guys were running those mock trials here..You've got that boys nose so wide open you can drive a mack truck through it."said Alfreda..
"He'll open up to you easier than he will us.."I said.
"Yeah Jo...inquiring minds want to know.."said Nelson ,with a smile..

Elwood awakened .....
It had been about three weeks since Alex had left him...She was never at work or if she was,She was hiding from and avoiding him...

He had no idea where she was living...and he didn't even have a phone number to reach her by...

He called out from work this morning and just stared out his window at the street...

He was horny.....
He remembered vividly the last time he had kissed her....The morning she left him...She had tried to devour his lips...He had thrown her up against the wall...

She giggled the way she always did and reminded him he had an important client to meet...He smiled and left..
Thinking of how surprised she'd be to get that engagement ring and the hot sex they would have afterwords..But that never happened...

Here he was alone and horny for the first time in years...

He called His Chief Investigator and fellow Attorney at Cyclops Insurance, Bonnie Shay.

''Hello?Mr. Barnes...Is something wrong?" asked Bonnie.
"I need you to look into something for me...I'll tell you tomorrow at work." he said.

''Okay."she said.
The night found us at Aqua Bar....This was Beverly, Nelson and Josie's place...but I must admit...It was nice..
 ''This Salsa dip and these Tacos are delish."said Beverly..
Chowing down with Nelson and Josie.

"Not as delicious as you.." whispered Nelson in Beverly's ears..

'''re pretty tasty yourself.." Beverly whispered back in his ear....
 Josie looked at her watch...

"He should be here soon." she said and passed a bowl of Salsa and Tacos to Nelson..
Who was chowing down , but waiting for the drinks..

"Here come the drinks now.." he said..
 As Beers came for he and I
and drinks came for the ladies..
 Olivia sat on my lap and leaned her head into my shoulders....
I held her tight, like I didn't want to let her go...
Attorney Eric Barnes joined us...He seemed surprised...

"Oh Hi...I uh thought it was just going to be you and I Josie.." he said, smiling nervously...
"You don't like our company Eric?..We like yours.."said Olivia..
"Yeah, I thought I was your sexy big sister.."said Beverly with a fake pout...
"You know I love yall..." said Eric,laughing knowingly...
"Eric...we've been working together for what, three weeks now and you know a lot about us...but we didn't really know you until today!"said Josie..
Eric laughed nervously...

''Josie, what are you talking about?" he said.

''We know man...We Know Who you are!" said Nelson..
''We know who you are..."I said.
"Huh, what are you talking about?" said Eric.
"We know you're my ex-husband's son...The son he didn't bother to tell me existed back in Boston ,the entire time we were married.. but he didn't tell me a lot of things..Which is why I'm no longer married to him." said Olivia..
''We know everything Eric...and it's okay...We still like you...None of this falls on you.."said Beverly...
Eric grew somber....

"So you know huh?  I figured you might figure things out and put two and two together one day..Let me tell you what you don't know.." he said..

"Somewhere in this city, walks a man or that's the rumor,  named ELWOOD BARNES, from BOSTON
See, this handsome Harvard University Law student, as a Senior...looked lil' Freshman Patricia Trevor, DEAD IN THE EYE some years ago, after looking down at her one year old baby boy and said: "Yeah, he's mine...but you should've gotten rid of him like I TOLD you! I don't want nothing to do with' him and you are not going to ruin my life! I'm about to graduate." Anyhow, on that COWARDICE note, they parted ways, never to see nor speak to each other ever again in life. I'm sure you know about the trust fund that paid for my college and law school...Elwood's late mother and father, my grandparents set that fund up...

See, Mr. Elwood Barnes most likely went on to 'live his best life", but never knew his little one year old son, Eric Barnes, .would also go on one day, to get HIS J.D. in Law too , From Harvard, just like he did!! I JUDGE, because if I'm ever in the SAME situation...I'm gonna PUT in  my 18 years  and take CARE of MY insistence." he said.
I stood up....

"That's right young brother..Be a better man than your father.That's all you can do.." I said.
"If it makes you feel any better Eric...He has not lived his best life....He's been married twice and divorced twice and hasn't had a successful relationship ever...I believe he is a very unhappy man.." said Olivia..
"People may find this strange coming from me, but don't let hatred and resentment consume you Eric...You have to move on and let it go...Not for him , but for you!!....You're already a better man than your father ever could be.."said Beverly...
Tears began to stream down Eric's face...
Josie put her arms around him and held him...

"It'll be alright Eric...It'll be alright.." she said..

"Ohhhh Josie..." he sobbed..

''Awwww boo, it'll be alright.." she said and held him and rocked him in her arms..

Nelson whispered to me..

"Well I'll say one thing...He's smoother than his pops..."

I laughed and slapped my thigh..

"Yesss he is...Yes he is." I said...



Toni said...

Soooooo the truth comes out...He is Elwood's Son!

Angie B. said...

Anyone surprised?

Sunflower said...

We knew he was Elwood's son!

Lisa said...

Elwood is a bigger creep than we thought.

Halo said...

Wowwwwww Elwood has a son and he just plain forgot about him!

Vanessa said...

He pushed that memory out of his mind!

Angie B. said...

Again, I ask...Anyone surprised?

Brenda said...

Not Me...I suspected he was Elwood's son from the first episode.. The name Eric Barnes...Gave it away.

Rita said...

I suspected he was...He got upset when Elwood got drunk and fell to the floor in Josie's.

Cheryl said...

Yeah, I did too!

Grover Tha Playboy said...

I hate to ask this...but anybody think he got in Josie's panties that night...You know a little sympathy sex?

Tate 2 said...

I do...I think so...