''Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Keith , we are going to get caught...This is the judges chambers."she giggled.
''Old Grouch is already in the courtroom...I saw him." I said in between more kisses
We had a court appearance today...We had planned to wrap up our case..
"The hearing starts in a few minutes baby!"whispered Bee Bee in between soft ,slow kisses..
"I know...You just look and smell so good this morning.."I said..
"Thank you baby, I'm glad you notice me like you do...but you gotta let me go...We got to be in court..Plus somebody might catch us in here and you got your hands all up my dress and everything.." she said and removed my hands and straightened her clothes out...
"Yeah you're right...Let me calm myself down.." I said as I released her from my embrace reluctantly...
I'm Keith Jones, Attorney at Law.....Bee Bee is Beatrice Evans, Attorney at law...my girlfriend.
"Come on Keith...let's get to court before we are late.."said Bee Bee, always the practical one of the four of us..going all the way back to law school.
I straightened my clothes out..She wet a towel and wiped the trace of her lipstick off of my lapel..
She applied more lipstick to her lips.
When we emerged from the Judges Chambers we saw our other two associates..
Attorney Kahlil Ahmed....
and Attorney Sofia Garcia...They were holding hands..
The four of us stood and waited as our supervisor, the always glamourous Ms. Yvette Jones, Attorney at law came running into the courthouse..
"Heyyyy guys....Sorry I'm late...I've got some bad news...We are going to have to ask for another continuance this morning." she said..
"What?" I said... "This wasn't the most friendly judge we had faced...In fact he had been downright hostile at times..
He was young...Just a little older than us...His Name was Pinkney Bach....He was the youngest sitting judge in the city's history and quite arrogant about it..
He really didn't like Ms. Yvette and had given her a hard time the entire trial...
He and Sofia had had some tense moments also...He was no fan of her feistiness..
He looked Bee Bee up and down a little too lustfully and longingly....but he was a little nicer to her.
And he could take me and Kahlil or leave us...
He was not a fan...
Ms. Jade came and sat with us....
"Alright, Let's get on with this hearing....Uh Ms. Jones...Where is your client?" he asked..
"Your honor..My client's Mother died...And he flew to Detroit to attend the funeral...He missed his flight this morning..and won't be back into Philly until tomorrow...I'd like to ask for a continuance.."said Yvette..
Judge Bach sighed..
"Ms. Jones, Ms. Jones, Ms. Jones...This is the third continuance in this case you have asked for...Now this is getting ridiculous..."he said..
"Your honor I know, I know and I'm very sorry but..."said Yvette.
"There is no but...There is no more but's....The trial will go on without your client!.." said the Judge..
"No..No..No...Wait !Please! We are prepared for this case, but we need our client here...His testimony is a very important part of our defense...We had planned to put him on the stand."argued Yvette..
"Of your accomplishments? This has nothing to do with you...This is about our ability to represent our client fairly...You've done nothing but side with the Prosecution this entire trial...I think that's a bit unfair and if you declare this a mistrial...I'll appeal.."said Yvette..
Ms. Yvette was uncharacteristically angry...
"Oh Yes The Hell I will..." she snarled back..
"Ms. Yvette...Cool it...We'll appeal...It's all good..He can't stop us from appealing.." I said ,rubbing her arm...
"Ms. Yvette come on....Cool it...We'll get some drinks, we'll ride this out..We don't want him tossing you in the cooler"whispered Kahlil softly..rubbing her back..
"Thank You Guys..He's acting like a spoiled little brat." she said..
"I HEARD THAT! SPOILED LITTLE BRAT EH? You say one more word...ONE MORE WORD AND I'LL HOLD YOU IN CONTEMPT!" screamed Judge Bach, who was uncharacteristically angry himself..
"NOW SAY SOMETHING!! SAYYYYY IT!" he bellowed...
The jurors were stunned at his tone...So were the people in the visitors section....You could cut the tension in this courtroom with a butter knife...
Now even Bee Bee was somewhat worried..
"Come on Ms. Yvette, it's over...Later for him.."whispered Bee Bee..
"You know what you are Pinkney? You're a Bully and I hate Bullies..." said Yvette defiantly...
Did she just call him by his first name? Did they know each other on a personal basis?? It sure sounded like that to me!!
"That's it...That's It...That is Ittttttttttttttttttttttt! Bailif!!!...Ballifs Take her the hell out of here! A night in the cooler will cool her jets..." said the Judge..
Two Bailiffs took Ms. Yvette by the arms and led her out of court...She said no more...She glared at him balefully as she was escorted out...Ms. Yvette looked like she wanted to cut him....I had never seen her this angry at anyone before! None of us had!
"Oh My God!" said Sofia..
"I saw this coming!" said Bee Bee.
"I saw it too."I said.
"WOW!" said Kahlil..
"Come on...Let's get out of here...Nothing more we can do guys.." said Ms. Jade..
He said to us...
"I expect you guys to be prepared for trial tomorrow....Do I make myself clear?" he said.
Not one of us answered him....
''I said DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" he asked..
We still didn't answer, we just kept walking..
"Ms. Yvette was right...He is a bully." said Bee Bee..
"Asshole is more like it.." I mumbled..
"I really don't like him." said Sofia.
"Me neither...What a butt head.."said Kahlil..
Some of the Jurors heard us and they laughed...
The four of us filed out quietly without looking his way.....
"Hmmmph, they keep up this blatant disrespect and the holding facility may be packed soon." he said and sneered as he walked down from the bench...

He took his suit jacket and his tie off... He had hated to have Yvette Jones locked up for contempt..
If she had just taken him up on his offer three years ago...before he was appointed his Judgeship... ;
"You know Ms. Jones...I don't live too far from here..I did have something more in mind for tonight..."he said softly..
They were in a bar...They had met casually during a case they had been working on... He was a very up and coming young Attorney, who's firm had hired Yvette as a consulting attorney.
''Do you want to win this case or not? We are up against a sharp Attorney....One with more experience...We have to cross every t and dot every i.."said Yvette..
"Pinkney You've had your hands on my legs for the past half hour and you've been running them up my skirt...now you're tugging on the waist band of my panties...Let me guess what that might be? Now look, we are working together...I don't do this...I don't sleep with people I work with...it makes things a little weird, plus ..Plus I'm a little older than you..."said Yvette.
"I Like a man who is Ambitious..Take your hands from under my dress please...."said Yvette..
"I don't have a change of clothes...I'd get to work late...No...I don't think this would be a good idea...Now if you want to take five for tonight we can...But I'm not going home with you..And even if I did..Even If I did...That doesn't mean you'd be gettin some..I'm not interested."said Yvette..
"Look why make this difficult...I want you....I've been attracted to you since day one when you walked into my office..Stop playing hard to get...We are both too old for that!" he said..
"Pinkney, stop it okay? Calm down..I'm not playing hard to get....I'm not playing at all."said Yvette..
"I uh can see that...Look, you're a great guy....For somebody...but not for me..Okay??...and you come on a little too strong..."said Yvette..
"Would you stop please??" she said.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, come here baby....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you've got me hotter than a cigarette at a gas station.." he moaned..
''Well you're not turning me on at all." Yvette said.
He grabbed her behind and pulled her into him, He kissed her neck and the side of her face....She eased out of his embrace once again..
"Look you've got me all hard and everything...Now look, you don't want me walking out of here like this...do you? Come onnnnn." he chided..
"STOP IT OKAY??? WHAT HAS GOTTEN IN TO YOU?" said Yvette....with a tinge of anger in her voice.,.
"Oh My God...If I could just walk you in the back....I can't wait....I've got to have you...Ummmmmm." he moaned..
''Would you stop it please?" she asked him...
"You've gotten in to me....I'd like to get INTO YOU!!! I can't stop....Do you really want me to stop Yvette?" he moaned...
Yvette slapped him hard twice and kneed him in the groin.....Patrons turned around...They heard the loud slaps...
"YES...YES I DO!" she said firmly...
The bouncer came around the bend...just as Pinkney was getting to his feet..He was in pain and out of breath....
"Is everything alright? You okay mam?" he asked..
"I'm fine.." said Yvette, gathering her things....She left money on the table to pay for her drinks..
Pinkney was getting his wind back...both sides of his face stung....He was embarrassed...Several people were looking at him...He was red as a beet...Two women were snickering...
"Yeah,I'm okay..I uh slipped, Lost my balance...I'm sleepy...I-I uh better get home.." he said..
"Yeah you'd better."said The Bouncer who stared at him balefully...
The Bouncer knew what was up...He frowned and shook his head and walked away...
Pinkney was in pain....both his face and his groin...and he was livid!!!
Yvette gathered her things and left..
"I'll see you tomorrow...I'm going to forget about this night Pinkney..." she said.
The next day when she went to work, she was told that her services would no longer be needed by Pinkney Bach's law firm...She was paid for the work she did up until that time. No Explanation was given.. She knew exactly why she had been fired..
Pinkney still remembered the humiliation he felt being rejected.. He hadn't been used to rejection...He didn't like it.. When he told women he was a big time attorney, panties slid off as if they'd been greased...
He hadn't seen Yvette again until just recently when she appeared in his courtroom...
His doorbell rang...
A Beautiful woman was at his doorstep....
''Well Judge, you gonna let me in or not?" she said ,smiling..
He smiled..
"Lena..Come on in.." he said..
Lena was Lena Scepter...An Attorney and the wife of another Judge, Mason Scepter...
''Hurry Up and get undressed baby, I've only got a few hours.."she said.
They collapsed on his bed and drowned each other in soft kisses...He pulled her panties to the side and entered her...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...oh my god...Pinkneyyyyyy..ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…" she moaned..
"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd Lena...Ummmmmmm.." he moaned..
They had been sleeping with each other since he'd graduated from law school..back when he was clerking for the judge...Her husband and his mentor..Honorable Judge Mason Spector
The bed began to move back and forth and slam against the wall...
''Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Pinkneyyy babyyyyyy.." she moaned..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." he groaned...
The bed was squeaking out of control....
"Oh My god, ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Pinkney...." Lena moaned..
"Lena, you're driving me crazy...." he moaned..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu sock it to me Pinkney, handle your damn business...ouuuuuuu." she moaned..
"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd woman....ummmmmmmm." he moaned...
THREE TO FOUR HOURS of slow sensual lovemaking continued...
Lena had an intense orgasm.....So did Pinckney...He came like a gusher.....
He lie in between her legs, catching his breath....
"Ouuuuuuu Pinkney, you were amazing...Oh my god....You made cum so harddd...ouuuuuu.." Lena sighed..
''How bout one more ride?" he whispered...
"Didn't you get enough?? Hmmmmm well...I may have an hour or so to kill.." she giggled..
The doorbell was ringing and there was knocking on the door..
''Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh who the hell is this?" said an angry Judge Pinkney Bach...
''Get rid of them...I can't stay too much longer baby, My Husband will be out of court soon.." she said..
Judge Bach got up, put on his bathrobe and came to the door..
It was Lt. Tragg. and about five uniformed officers....
"Judge Bach, I have a warrant for your arrest....Sexual Assault.." he said..
''What? Me? This must be a mistake...I've been here all afternoon.."said Judge Bach..
"No Mistake...It didn't happen this afternoon....The lady just filed a complaint today...Throw on some clothes...I gotta take you downtown.."said Lt. Tragg..
Ms. Yvette sat in her cell in the Holding facility on the 6th floor of the courthouse.....
She looked up and to her surprise, she saw me, Bee Bee, Sofia ,Kahlil and Jade..
"Hey, how ya doin? We brought some food, Real Food.."I said and passed her a Burger and Fries and a strawberry shake through the bars...
"Hey Ms. Yvette...We are going to rep our client tomorrow when he gets here...Don't you worry."said Bee Bee.
"Yeah, we got everything laid out, just like you would do it.."said Sofia.
''We got your back Ms. Yvette."said Kahlil.
"I'll pick you up in the morning when they let you out."said Ms. Jade.
''Awwwwwwwwwwwww Thank you guys, I love you..."said Yvette. She then looked at the four of us..
"I lost my cool in there today...I'm sorry....I was wrong and during your careers you may meet a difficult Judge or two..even a prejudiced Judge or two..Don't let them get under your skin like that..Me and this Judge have History...Personal History,.but I shouldn't have let that make me break proper decorum...I'm sorry!"Yvette chided us..
"Ms. Yvette, If I didn't know better, I'd almost swear he halfway likes you..."said Bee Bee..
"Yeah, all last week he was salivating over you like a hungry wolf.."said Sofia..
''Did you date him or something ?" asked Kahlil.
"Yeah, a lot of that back and forth seemed personal.."I added..
"Before he became a judge...His firm hired me as a consultant....He and I worked a case..A Big Case...This is before he became a judge...We were nearing our closing arguments..We went to a bar for drinks and he got a little too touchy feely...Told me he wanted me to come back to his apartment and spend the night with him...I wasn't interested..He was like an Octopus...All night with the hands everywhere they shouldn't be...Groping me, kissing me..I finally got away from him and went home..I guess his feelings were hurt...He fired me the next day...
That was three years ago...before he became the youngest judge in Philadelphia history...I hadn't seen him since then.. Not in person...And now he's kind of taking all of that out on me.." said Yvette..
"I hate guys like that...I've known a few..He's Petty...Petty as Hell."said Bee Bee..
"I have too ,including that freak Immigration Judge Stephens, who turned out to be a serial killer."said Sofia.
''We'll run the case for you tomorrow."said Kahlil..
''We got your back Ms. Yvette." I said.. I hated to see her locked up..
"See You in the morning.." said Jade..
"See you guys.."said Yvette, who devoured her food..."Thanks for everything...I love you guys."said Ms. Yvette.
Gary Lockwood showed up at around midnight..
Yvette was asleep on the bed in her cell..
"RISE AND SHINE!!!" he bellowed..and then laughed..
Yvette leaped up, startled and then smiled at her boyfriend..Investigator for the District Attorney's Office, Gary Lockwood..
"Come here...Come over here.."he said as she came to the bars...He reached inside and pulled her as close to him as he possibly could..and kissed her ..
"You had a Burger with onions and Fries didn't you?" he laughed..
''Sorry about my breath...I've been in here for six hours..."said Yvette..
"Eight, but who's counting..?" laughed Gary...
"Bailiff!" he said.
The bailiff opened her cell door..
''What are you doing?" asked Yvette.
"You're goin home...See, a lot of the bailiffs really don't like Judge Bach either!....and I just happened to have treated everybody on this shift to some of Jake's delicious grilled Hot Dogs, Fries and Root Beers..
So in appreciation for all of that, they signed your release papers.. You're going home with me.." said Gary..
"I already called Jade and the kids...They know I got you.."said Gary..
Yvette was overcome with emotion...She began to cry...
Gary took her in his arms and hugged her.
"You didn't used to be such a crybaby.." he said, smiling..."Wanna hear something funny?" he asked..
"What?" asked Yvette..
"Judge Bach was himself arrested this afternoon ,charged with sexual assault...He should be joining you shortly...Might wind up in the same cell.."laughed Gary..
Yvette burst into gales of laughter...
"Now that's funny!" she laughed..
"Gary honey...let's go home, to your place before you take my clothes off right here.." said Yvette, laughing in between kisses.
"I perfectly understand....Let's go." he said and smiled..
As they left and drove to Gary's house..
Yvette drives these guys crazy....She had Miles Ellis feenin for her, Not to mention Gary and now this Judge...Oh and let's not forget Rockland and Keith Jones...
LOL She sure does..
The Power of the Panties!
This looks like a good one..
I'm so invested in this story...I'm certain this guy is going to want Yvette and crew to defend him!
Of course he is..Otherwise why bring him up!
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