Surprisingly enough ,I didn't tell my boss, Robert Foxworth about "Cynthia" W. That's what she told me her name was. I went out with her another night..We went to Ciros..Across town. We drank and talked and danced until the place closed and we wound up back in her house, making love until the wee hours of the morning...The sex was intoxicating and Cynthia W. mad love like a hungry man who hadn't eaten in weeks, months even. Each time she was very grateful...Always thanking me profusely. She would call me to make sure I had made it home safely. I found this funny because I always thought that I was supposed to do that. She wasn't clingy..She gave me my space. Never called me at work..and didn't call everyday.
When she did call, the conversation was always intoxicating. We talked about legal issues and politics and ourselves..How we came to be who we were, what college we went to...et al.. I couldn't beleive there was a 14 year difference in our ages. She had a body that was in better shape than some of the girls I went to college with...Knew more about Hip Hop than Paris and Blake...and could dance a slew of us under the table...
We went to Football games, Movies and Plays...She taught me how to ski...and later on in the spring how to Jet ski...She introduced me to Art galleries and fly ass Restauraunts and food in New York City that I couldn't have imagined seeing...Of course the payoff was always crazy and hot lovemaking afterwords that left us both sweating and spent...After six months, I felt like maybe I was falling in love with this woman. I had no idea then that she was hiding a number of secrets and that she might have an agenda...
This was the furthest thing from my mind the morning I came to work and found all four of the legs broken off of my desk.
"What the hell ?" I asked , startled....
"Don't worry about it young fella, I have another desk on it's way....You don't have any major casework to do for me today anyway do you?" asked Robert Foxworth.
"Well we were working on the Brinkley depositions." I said.
"Ahh don't worry about that...That aint due to come before a judge for another month" said
I looked at my desk and I laughed...I looked at Mr. Foxworth and I said-
"Who did you have in here...the stripper?"
"Yeah...the former stripper...she's a big gal..but boyyy she will screw ya to death...She broke a bed I had in my old office....We went through the ceiling into some man's apartment." said Robert Foxworth.
"Awww man, stop tellin tales.." I said laughing.
"I swear...And she done broke a bed in my house...I told her that she got to lose some weight."
he said.
'Well, if you don't have anything for me to do...is it okay if I take the day off?" I asked.
"Yeah sure kid....I guess you're going to go find that older woman huh?" asked Robert.
"Well,I might." I laughed shyly...
'"Whoever she is...she's rockin your young world..hahahahahaha.." laughed Robert.
"Yeah, she is something...Hell in the bed.." I added.
"What's her name?" he asked.
"Cynthia....I don't know her last name." I said.
"What? You been bangin her for close to a year now and you don't know her last name?" asked
Robert incredulously.
"She won't tell me." I said.
"Won't tell you? She must have secrets....Oh well, we all got secrets..." said Robert.
I was ready to leave when Robert passed me two VIP tickets....
"Check it out kid...My other lady friend from New Jersey, The real estate agent, Bonita that was
over here last week invited me to the gala opening of this new spot in AC next week...She gave me some extra tickets...You should take your lady friend...I want to meet her...Give her my stamp of approval." laughed Robert.
"Heyy thanks Mr. Foxworth.. Cynthia loves stuff like this...I can't wait to see the look on her face
when she gets these tickets." I said.
(To be continued...)
I can't wait either. This is gonna be good.
I'm bettin the look on her face isn't going to be as enthusiastic as Chance expects it to be.
Ouuuuu,this is gonna be good!
There is no way she can go to that!
I'll bet money she don't go!
Lolol...Fam, you off the chains...
I'm digging this story.
She's up to something..I don't know what it is..but she's playing a nice game.
Sister Girl has got something up her sleeve.
This chick has got Chance whipped and she's going to use him to get back at Robert.
Great Story Keith..I like the nice slow build up.
While I agree that she has an ulterior motive.I think she might actually like Chance..Her little boy toy! lolol.
Cyndi is a stone cold playa. She is settin Chance up for the kill.
I don't like Cyndi....I hope Robert Foxworth figures out what's up and puts the kibosh on it.
Nothing Like Romantic Intrigue!lolol
That Fish ,Cindy Waters is going to get back at Robert Through Chance for what happened last time.
I just know it.
I know I'm late here..but I just read this...I'm laughing at the possibilities...lololol.
I'm intrigued by where you're going with this.
I'm just so moist after reading this!
@Anonymous- That's TMI.
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