My Blackberry went off almost as soon as I got out of my parked car in front of my home. I knew who it was...I was surprised he hadn't called sooner.
"Yo..Kev..What's Up?..Any luck on finding our boy?" said Eddie as if we were searching for a long lost friend.
"I've got three addresses on him...You got a pencil and some paper..I'll give them to you." I lied, not wanting him to know that I had found Barrington Covington already.
"Nah..I aint one for writing nothin..you check em out and make sure he's at one of em..then you call me.." said Eddie.
"Okay I'll-"
The bastard had hung up..My dislike for him was growing on a daily basis..I felt like giving him his money back and telling him to forget it. I walked toward my
house and before I could put my key in the door...My Blackberry went off again.
What did he want now ? I thought to myself. It wasn't him..It was Special Agent,Frank Cotton.
"Hey Kevin....I got a hit on that cell phone number you gave me and I got someone you need to talk to." said Agent Cotton.
"Okay, I'll stop by your office tomorrow." I said.
"No...Come by the "Mermaid Club..You know where it is?" he said.
"Yeah..I know where it is...I never been in there before." I laughed.
"You need to broaden your horizons a bit......I'll see you tomorrow morning." he said.
The "Mermaid "Club was a ritzy titsy bar...It was on the seventh floor of what looked like a dump of a building in South Philly. It had shiny wooden floors. So shiny you could see your reflection in the floor. Beautiful Lounge chairs throughout and a huge aquarium/ with a black marble Bar top that stretched the the length of the room. Three Bartenders and two D.J.'s operating at all times. Not the type of bar you'd expect an FBI man to frequent, nor any of the types of folks I lived and hung around with.
Agent Cotton was sitting at the bar with a Brown skinned Black man. He had a close cropped hair cut, was neatly dressed and had no hair on his face whatsoever. He was probably also FBI.
Introductions were made and we sat down to talk.
"Kevin...this is Special Agent Stephen Server..I called him after you gave me that cell phone number to look up." said Agent Cotton.
"Kevin...What is your business with Eddie Gold?" asked Agent Server.
"He's a client..I'm a P.I. and he paid me for information...that's all..I just have to find a guy that's all." I said.
"Barrington Covington right?" he said.
I said nothing..I already knew I had just stepped into a hornets nest.
"Let me explain to you who I am....I work with the FBI Violent Crimes Unit,on loan to the Philadelphia Police...Eddie Gold and I have history..He was my main suspect in what I believe was a serial killing spree that occurred here about ten
years ago. Long story short....On March 30,1998, an African American female named Violet Williams, aged 32 vanished ,shortly after her shift at The Holden Joint Bar and Grill was up...Never to be seen again. July 15th 1999, another African American Female, Millicent Phillips, aged 42 vanishes ...never to be seen or heard from again... We question Haywood Holden, a slightly retarded man who works with them, but our findings are inconclusive. Then on April 30th, Bernadette Covington ,an African woman of British origin vanishes from
the same restaraunt without a trace....We find that a Eddie Gold, a low level drug dealor , who also works as a cook at the restaraunt had had relationships with several of the missing women is missing from work. Get this..He's missing
on the days right after each disapearence. We find him, question him, hold him for 24 hours...He gives us nothing.....Then on the night of May 13,1999..Our other suspect, Haywood Holden is found hung in his apartment..He's the son of the owner....I always thought his death was suspicious..I never believed it was a suicide...The Philly PD closes the case..says that Holden was "more than likely the killer. Then on June 30,2009...Our only other suspect,Eddie Gold is shot and nearly killed and then ,just like that...the disapearences stop." said Agent Stephen Server.
"Did you guys ever question Barrington Covington about the shooting of Eddie Gold?" I asked.
"Yeah..it took us six months to run him down...but of course he said that he didn't know anything about it and that he didn't do it..There were no witnesses and Gold wouldn't tell us nothin....A guy like him would prefer to handle it himself you know." said Special Agent Server.
I was stunned...Could it be?,Was I was employed by a serial killer?
"There's more" said Agent Frank Cotton.
"More ? " I said.
"You're a smart guy Kevin....Barrington Covington is a stone stick up guy..He only kills if his life is somehow in danger.He has stuck up Fathead Newton, Southside Johnny, Mingus, The Diaz Brothers ,etc several times and never harmed a one of them...He's only after money..He shot and nearly killed Eddie Gold.. and did not rob him ..now why is that?? You know yourself,Eddie Gold is no big time player like Fathead Newton...Why would Barrington Covington even fool with him??You know why? Because the last girl that vanished was his sister, that's why and word on the street is that your man,Eddie Gold is a low life player in the bedroom too if you know what I mean? He had sexual relationships with all three of these women and let's just say he left much to be desired...They compared notes and gave him the nickname-"The Sixty Second Man." He couldn't have this kind of information out on the street about him....So they had to go. We have the testimony of two other women who this creep put in the hospital for merely questioning him as to if he was "finished" Said Agent Server.
I sat speechless, Then it was my turn to ask questions..
"Okay, so you like him for these disapearences right ? and Barrington probably tried to kill him because he believed he killed his sister..That was ten years ago..
Why is he so hot to kill him now?" I asked.
"Who knows, he's crazy....Maybe because he can...It's unfinished business." said
Agent Server.
"What do you guys want from me?" I asked.
"We'd be grateful for any information on him you could give us Kevin . I know he's paying you to find Covington...but all he wants to do is find him ,so he can kill him...You have to know that and you have to know that he's setting you up to take the fall for this...Don't be a fool Kevin..Help us take this guy down." said Agent Server.
All at once I felt a strange brew of emotions..I felt like I was betraying my own code by double crossing a client..yet at the same time, it had occurred to me that this guy could be setting me up to take a fall for him..He didn't want me to find Barrington Covington so they could exchange recipes..He wanted to kill him..I knew that and I knew I only had one way out.
"Okay ...Give me an address and give me twenty four hours..I can get close to him in a way you feds can't." I said.
Agent Cotton nodded to Agent Server who passed me a peice of paper...then gave me his card.
"I'll be hearing from you" he said.
Funny..That's what Eddie had said after our first meeting.
(To Be Continued....)
"Yo..Kev..What's Up?..Any luck on finding our boy?" said Eddie as if we were searching for a long lost friend.
"I've got three addresses on him...You got a pencil and some paper..I'll give them to you." I lied, not wanting him to know that I had found Barrington Covington already.
"Nah..I aint one for writing nothin..you check em out and make sure he's at one of em..then you call me.." said Eddie.
"Okay I'll-"
The bastard had hung up..My dislike for him was growing on a daily basis..I felt like giving him his money back and telling him to forget it. I walked toward my
house and before I could put my key in the door...My Blackberry went off again.
What did he want now ? I thought to myself. It wasn't him..It was Special Agent,Frank Cotton.
"Hey Kevin....I got a hit on that cell phone number you gave me and I got someone you need to talk to." said Agent Cotton.
"Okay, I'll stop by your office tomorrow." I said.
"No...Come by the "Mermaid Club..You know where it is?" he said.
"Yeah..I know where it is...I never been in there before." I laughed.
"You need to broaden your horizons a bit......I'll see you tomorrow morning." he said.
The "Mermaid "Club was a ritzy titsy bar...It was on the seventh floor of what looked like a dump of a building in South Philly. It had shiny wooden floors. So shiny you could see your reflection in the floor. Beautiful Lounge chairs throughout and a huge aquarium/ with a black marble Bar top that stretched the the length of the room. Three Bartenders and two D.J.'s operating at all times. Not the type of bar you'd expect an FBI man to frequent, nor any of the types of folks I lived and hung around with.
Agent Cotton was sitting at the bar with a Brown skinned Black man. He had a close cropped hair cut, was neatly dressed and had no hair on his face whatsoever. He was probably also FBI.
Introductions were made and we sat down to talk.
"Kevin...this is Special Agent Stephen Server..I called him after you gave me that cell phone number to look up." said Agent Cotton.
"Kevin...What is your business with Eddie Gold?" asked Agent Server.
"He's a client..I'm a P.I. and he paid me for information...that's all..I just have to find a guy that's all." I said.
"Barrington Covington right?" he said.
I said nothing..I already knew I had just stepped into a hornets nest.
"Let me explain to you who I am....I work with the FBI Violent Crimes Unit,on loan to the Philadelphia Police...Eddie Gold and I have history..He was my main suspect in what I believe was a serial killing spree that occurred here about ten
years ago. Long story short....On March 30,1998, an African American female named Violet Williams, aged 32 vanished ,shortly after her shift at The Holden Joint Bar and Grill was up...Never to be seen again. July 15th 1999, another African American Female, Millicent Phillips, aged 42 vanishes ...never to be seen or heard from again... We question Haywood Holden, a slightly retarded man who works with them, but our findings are inconclusive. Then on April 30th, Bernadette Covington ,an African woman of British origin vanishes from
the same restaraunt without a trace....We find that a Eddie Gold, a low level drug dealor , who also works as a cook at the restaraunt had had relationships with several of the missing women is missing from work. Get this..He's missing
on the days right after each disapearence. We find him, question him, hold him for 24 hours...He gives us nothing.....Then on the night of May 13,1999..Our other suspect, Haywood Holden is found hung in his apartment..He's the son of the owner....I always thought his death was suspicious..I never believed it was a suicide...The Philly PD closes the case..says that Holden was "more than likely the killer. Then on June 30,2009...Our only other suspect,Eddie Gold is shot and nearly killed and then ,just like that...the disapearences stop." said Agent Stephen Server.
"Did you guys ever question Barrington Covington about the shooting of Eddie Gold?" I asked.
"Yeah..it took us six months to run him down...but of course he said that he didn't know anything about it and that he didn't do it..There were no witnesses and Gold wouldn't tell us nothin....A guy like him would prefer to handle it himself you know." said Special Agent Server.
I was stunned...Could it be?,Was I was employed by a serial killer?
"There's more" said Agent Frank Cotton.
"More ? " I said.
"You're a smart guy Kevin....Barrington Covington is a stone stick up guy..He only kills if his life is somehow in danger.He has stuck up Fathead Newton, Southside Johnny, Mingus, The Diaz Brothers ,etc several times and never harmed a one of them...He's only after money..He shot and nearly killed Eddie Gold.. and did not rob him ..now why is that?? You know yourself,Eddie Gold is no big time player like Fathead Newton...Why would Barrington Covington even fool with him??You know why? Because the last girl that vanished was his sister, that's why and word on the street is that your man,Eddie Gold is a low life player in the bedroom too if you know what I mean? He had sexual relationships with all three of these women and let's just say he left much to be desired...They compared notes and gave him the nickname-"The Sixty Second Man." He couldn't have this kind of information out on the street about him....So they had to go. We have the testimony of two other women who this creep put in the hospital for merely questioning him as to if he was "finished" Said Agent Server.
I sat speechless, Then it was my turn to ask questions..
"Okay, so you like him for these disapearences right ? and Barrington probably tried to kill him because he believed he killed his sister..That was ten years ago..
Why is he so hot to kill him now?" I asked.
"Who knows, he's crazy....Maybe because he can...It's unfinished business." said
Agent Server.
"What do you guys want from me?" I asked.
"We'd be grateful for any information on him you could give us Kevin . I know he's paying you to find Covington...but all he wants to do is find him ,so he can kill him...You have to know that and you have to know that he's setting you up to take the fall for this...Don't be a fool Kevin..Help us take this guy down." said Agent Server.
All at once I felt a strange brew of emotions..I felt like I was betraying my own code by double crossing a client..yet at the same time, it had occurred to me that this guy could be setting me up to take a fall for him..He didn't want me to find Barrington Covington so they could exchange recipes..He wanted to kill him..I knew that and I knew I only had one way out.
"Okay ...Give me an address and give me twenty four hours..I can get close to him in a way you feds can't." I said.
Agent Cotton nodded to Agent Server who passed me a peice of paper...then gave me his card.
"I'll be hearing from you" he said.
Funny..That's what Eddie had said after our first meeting.
(To Be Continued....)
Oh boy!!!! This is getting good.
Great story Keith..A sixty second man, eh? Yuck! lololol.
This ish is getting good Keith...it's much deeper than it looked.
Oh My God...This is more complex than what I thought...I am really intrigued now by this story.
Keith,Keith, Keith...your imagination is off the chain..lololol.
I hate a man who can't last...I guess I would've been one of those missing girls because I sure would have called him on it.lololol..This is really building up to something big Keith!
Both of these guys are on a collision course...Kevin had better be careful.
Incredible storyline....Kevin is employed by a suspected serial killer to locate the killer's next victim...what a predicament!
Awwww suki suki now! This is gettin deep!
Mann, Everytime I think you can't top yourself..you surprise me by going one better!
Kevin is really in a situation where things could get worse before they get better..I trust that he has a way out of this.
Kevin really loves this kind of stuff..I can dig it..But he's squeezed between two players bent on killing each other and the FBI..Not
a situation I'd like to be in.
Can't wait until the next installment...I'm totally hooked.
Do ya thing Keith!
This is deep..I'm breathlessly awaiting the next segment!
This has gone in a completely different direction from what I thought! Incredible story!
Great read fam!
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