Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Better Love Next Time

Maybe I Thought I was Slick

dialing the numbers of your BlackBerry..

you'd think that maybe this was some kind of trick..

That I was a stalker

or someone scary../

I just thought that perhaps I
could steal an hour of your time
for some good food and some wine..
but not really to my amazement
you claimed to have another engagement../

Oh well,
better love next time
next time maybe you and I
can go some place private...
better love next time
maybe you and I
can go someplace that's quiet..
better love next time
better love next time.../

Naturally a girl like you
would have other guys too
and most folks would surmize
that a guy like me
would find it a surprise
to even have a chance at romance
but that's not how I play the game../

My mother told me what I know to be true
she said -"Son whatever you do."
in the game of romance
Always check out the who set
baby don't throw all of your eggs in one basket..
girl, I suspect you have been told the same./

So here's to
Better love next time
I'll catch you on the rebound..
Better Love next time..
Here's my cell phone number..
Give me a call..
Chances are, I'll still be around.../

1 comment:

SLC said...

Love it man.

Time to compile the short stories and poems into a book.


By the Maverick