Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Chisler

The room was quiet now....I knocked on the door...

"Who is it?" came an angry voice...It was obviously Ray.

"Hi..uh...My name is Kevin...I'm an investigator...Could I ask you a few questions about the tragedy that occurred here the other night?" I said.

"Can't it wait?" came his reply...

"Oh Ray, open the door." came a female's voice...obviously Thelma.

After a few minutes...Ray opened the door...He had on a white terry cloth bathrobe that was way too tight for him...His wife ,Thelma, a very shapely and attractive woman closed her night gown upon seeing me...She was very well endowed and it was very hard for her to conceal her breasts
in the skimpy little nightgown she had on...

By now, Robert,Gus, Sepia, Bonita and Phil had left.....I was there by myself.....They were waiting for me downstairs...

"It's horrible what happened to Bobby...He was such a nice guy." said Ray, a young Black man who looked to be about my age...

"Yeah..We were just down in his apartment about an hour before ...before his tragic accident." said his wife Thelma.

"You were?" I asked.

"Yeah...Bobby had got hurt on his job...He was out on disability....We took him dinners, made lunch for him...My wife cleaned his apartment for him." said Ray.

"So you guys were friends?" I asked.

"Yeah...Bobby was my main man." said Ray.

"You said he was on disability...He couldn't have been hurt too bad...He was at the bar just the night before his death." I said.

"Yeah...he hurt his back on the job, but he was gettin better...I used to drive him to rehab and to his Doctors Appointments. He and Skillet always went to Josies when uh Reed Nelson was playin...They really dug the jazz music and all and the hot wings...heh heh heh..." said Thelma.

"Did you know anything about Bobby owing Skillet money?" I asked.

"Yeah...Skillet loaned Bobby some money so he could get the brakes fixed on his car..and Skillet told him when he got his first disability check he was going to pay him...but I don't think he ever did...A damn shame." said Ray...

"You heard the two of them arguing?" I asked.

"Nah....Uh...we were uh....ummmm...uhhhhh....heheheheheheheh...Occupied..."laughed Ray.

"That's uhh okayyy...I get it...So you didn't hear anything?" I asked.

"Nope...Not a thing...Sorry..." said Ray....

"Rayyy.. Rayyy..I told you about leaving your shoes all over the place...I just tripped over your big boats.." said Thelma...

I looked at one of his shoes...They sure were big......

"What size do you wear?" I asked.

"Me? a size 15...." laughed Ray...

"A size 15?" I laughed...

"You know what they say about a man with big feet?" Ray laughed as he eyed his wife...

"Oh shut up Ray." laughed Thelma.

I laughed too....

"Okay...Thanks...If I have anymore questions...I'll let you know." I said.

"Sure..anytime bruh." said Ray.

I walked downstairs where Robert,Bonita, Gus and Sepia were waiting.

"Anything?" asked Gus.

"Nah...They were making love at the time...they didn't hear anything." I said.

"Figures" laughed Sepia as she and Bonita gave each other that look that women can give each other and giggled.

"So we got nothin." said Gus...

"Well not yet anyway...Where did Bobby work?" I asked.

"He worked over at Scullys...." said Gus..

"That factory , out by the Airport?" I asked.

"Yeah...He hurt his back...or so he said....but I think he was just milkin a fake injury so he could get a check...He had a big bar tab too!" said Gus.

"So he owed you money too huh? He owed Skillet money ...I wonder if he owed anybody else money?" I asked.

"Probably did.He was a known chisler, hardly ever paid anyone what he owed em, you had to track him down and literally catch him with the money in his hands." said Gus.

"Okay..Well that needs looking into." I said.

(To Be Continued....)


Tate 2 said...

I think the married couple is behind this.

Sunflower said...

This murder victim certainly isn't very sympathetic!