Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mickey's Monkey

Sepia was released from the hospital and things kind of went back to normal...I got her car out of the shop....My insurance kicked in and I got a brand new 2011 Aqua BMW out of the deal and we went back to our normal routine...Still, I had a nagging suspicion about my old car....The brakes had definitely been tampered with! The Mechanic who worked on my car and passed it for inspection was an ex-con I knew named Mickey Moore...Mickey had done good work for me before....I can't believe that he would have done something like this....

"He would for the right amount of money." said my street wise friend...Walter "Kool Kat" Jones who was driving me to Mickey's Auto Body Shop. I had decided to have a little talk with Mickey.
Only thing was...The place, which did a brisk business was closed...Locked up. That was odd!! We asked a few locals what the deal was.

"Man, I aint seen hide nor hair of Mickey in two weeks....He was supposed to do work on my car." said one guy.

"Man, Mickey back on that stuff again...He done prolly went on a bender." said another. Mickey had once been a heroin addict as well as a dealer....He had done a five year stretch in the state pen...

But one guy had a more telling comment to make -

"About two weeks ago...two guys come around....One had on a tan suit jacket and sunglasses, black slacks....He passed Mickey an envelope...Looked like it had money in it...They talked a minute and Mickey locked up and got in the car with the two guys....That was the last time I seen him."

From what this guy told me, That was also the day that my wife went missing and had her car accident. She could have been killed...but further more...The accident had been meant for me to have, not her...I was definitely going to talk to Mickey and find out who this man in the sunglasses was.

Kool Kat and I went and got Lockpick Johnson and we went to Mickey's house. We knocked on the door, rang the bell and knocked on the window....There was no answer....Lockpick Johnson did what he does best and we entered the house....Once inside...the smell knocked the three of us for a loop!

"OHHHHH HELL." said Kool Kat...

"Good Lawd" said Lockpick Johnson....

I knew that smell well...It was the smell of death.....The smell of a decomposing body.....We covered our noses and went into the living room and there sitting on the living room couch was Mickey Moore....Quite dead, with two slugs in his head and blood ,now dried , all over the couch, the floor and his clothes...He looked like he'd been dead for two weeks....

Kool Kat looked at me...

" got problems boss...This looks bad." he said.

"Tell me something I don't know." I said. "He gets money from someone to screw up the brakes on my car.....He screws the job up and he's killed." I continued...

Kool Kat looked at his arms...

"Needle marks...He was still usin....If he a junkie...They couldn't trust him anyway, so they would have shut him up to keep his mouth closed." he said...Lockpick Johnson concurred.

"Who is they Kool Kat?" I asked.

"Whoever is trying to kill you boss." said Kool Kat.

"The guy they say passed Mickey the money? In the tan suit and the sunglasses with the black slacks?? I seen him before......He was standing across the street from my house the day Sepia took off in my car and he was outside the hospital the night we found Sepia...." I said.

"He's either the hitter or he's the middle man...but either way Kev..We gotta find out who this guy is." said Kool Kat. I concurred.


Just like this caper seemed to fall in my lap, so did a clue to just what was afoot. I was sitting in Josies having a beer the next night when Rollo Jones and two thickneck bodyguards of his walked in. Rollo Jones was the pimp, Big Chicken's main man on the street now that Big Chicken was serving a stretch in state prison...He walked over to me and sat down.

"Hello Kevin...How's things?" he said with a smirk. I said nothing, I just glared at him.

"Seems like a friend of mine could do you a big favor." he said.

"A friend? Would that friend be your boss, Big Chicken?" I asked.

"Perhaps....You know, Big Chicken is lonely up there in the prison...He would really like a visitor.
You should pay him a visit...sooner, rather than later, you feel me?" he said.

"Alright Rollo, let's stop playing games...Lay it out for me." I said.

"There's a contract out on you...The man that supposedly arranged it screwed up.....He's waiting patiently to try again...He's a man who recently left the prison...same prison my man Big Chicken is in....Now heres the play...Big Chicken was approached by a man in that prison to put a contract on you...but see, Big Chicken say-"Nah man, murder aint my game....I'm all about love baby...I runs women...." So this man, he finds another guy who is about to be paroled and he offers him a great deal of money to off you.....Big Chicken will give you the man and the name of the guy on the street assigned to off you." said Rollo.

"Oh really? Why should I believe you?" I asked.

"You don't have to.....but you aint got much time.......Big Chicken can answer all of your questions right away." said Rollo.

"What's in it for him?" I asked.

"Thought you'd never ask.....You put in a good word with the warden about how Big Chicken helped foil a murder plot and put the man who almost killed your wife back in the slams where he belongs and that goes along way to helping Big Chicken get his parole...You do that and Big Chicken is willing to let bygones be bygones." he said.

"So I put a murderer back behind bars and I let a pimp walk?" I asked aloud.

"Lesser of two evils babe." said Rollo.

"Okay...I'm going to see Big Chicken tomorrow...Where is he?" I asked.

"He's in the new prison...The Pennsylvania Men's Colony in Angel City." he said.

"Really? Him?" I asked.

"It's his first offense...He didn't have any priors before that." said Rollo.

"Hmmm...Interesting." I said.

(To Be Continued.....)


James Perkins said...

Soooo Big Chicken is back huh?

Brenda said...

Wow, didn't expect Big Chicken to be mixed up in all of this.

Tate 2 said...

If I was kevin, I wouldn't trust him..I think it's a trap!

Toni said...

Can't wait to see how this plays out!