Friday, June 10, 2022

Flowers For Diane


We were in an empty courtroom lent to us by a friend....This was something new we started doing to support one another....Having Mock Trials....we didn't do it for every case, but for cases we felt a little skittish about.. It was a good way to have feedback and to take notes..

Because she used  to be an Assistant District Attorney, Jazzy was given the particulars of the case and told to play that role..

Our Mock Jury was made up of our friends, Yvette, Keith, Bee Bee, Sofia , Kahlil, Jessica, Chip,Kayla, Ray,Dabnis, Tony and Virginia Shaw.

Rockland played the Judge..

A part we had never had played in our Mock Juries..

Gary and I, Paris , Alfreda and Jade were simply observers....

We ran through our entire case....

We told jazzy to pull no punches and she didn't...

The first night we got a hung jury....7-5 , The second night we got another hung jury 6-6  and on the third night we got an acquittal...

Each night we took good notes and tightened up our strategy...

Jazzy smiled..

"Whew...I'm glad I never have to go up against you guys in court...You're damn good...All of you..." she said..
'''So are you Jazamatazz.." said Beverly kissing her good friend on the cheek and hugging her.
"Awwwwwwwww" said Jazzy...

Olivia hugged Jazzy and kissed her on the cheek..

"Taught her everything she knows." she joked..
"Alright Obi Wan Kenobi...Let's go get something to eat... Good luck next week when your trial starts." said Yvette..

Rockland Cambridge ,himself a perfectionist never prepared for a trial like Olivia.. He had more respect for her in leaps and bounds everyday, when he thought how she prepared and how she prepared those under her.

and how she and Yvette had mentored and taught all of these very talented young lawyers..

Starting with niece, Beverly and her husband, Nelson and moving on to Josie, Bresha, Keith, Bee Bee, Sofia, Kahlil, Jazzy, Dabnis, cousin Kayla, Ray,Jessica, Chip and this newcomer, Tony...They all studied at the alters of Olivia and Yvette and perhaps that's why they all  got married and moved as close to them as possible.. he mused.

He was happy to be a part of this.. Happy to be friends with all of these people.

We loaded up into both buses and headed  for a nice restaurant...

We found one right outside of Camden , with a nice view of the river and of Philadelphia in the distance..

"You guys are a nice tight group of friends...I feel confident in your capable hands Liv...Wow! I think your friends are fierce..More fierce than any opposition we may face.." he said confidently...

''We support each other.." said Olivia...

We were ready for trial!

It was a night for couples...Olivia and I, Beverly and Nelson, Josie and Paris, Bresha and Tony,Alfreda and Rockland ,Vettie and Gary, Jade and Danny, Keith and Bee Bee, Sofia and Kahlil,Jessica and Chip,
Kayla and Ray, and Jazzy and Dabnis

It was a nice warm night.. and we all had a great view...

James looked at all of the couples and felt a deep remorse for this whole mess that he was in..

Virginia felt sorry for him..

"My man isn't here tonight either..You might as well sit with me..." she said and smiled.

He smiled and sat with her...


ADA Diane Baronski walked into her office..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!"she said eying the flowers on her desk...

There were two beautiful bouquets of flowers on her desk... The first one was from "Lawyer Bae"
Jake Pataski...

The two of them had had quite a night last night..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU JAKE!" she cooed as his hands slipped her panties down...



"JAKE, you are driving me madddd!" she cried out.
Making sweet love for NINE TO TEN HOURS at his apartment..He didn't want to stop...

She had to fight him off to get out of his apartment and get home, so she could get a few hours sleep and a nice hot shower... She was still late... Trial was starting tomorrow.

The second bouquet was from Bert Vandenberg, The Private Investigator she had once used.. She hadn't seen him within a year...she wondered what he wanted, then she smiled.. What did most men want who met her?

She smiled and looked up and there he was..

"Diane. It's been awhile hasn't it?" came the voice of Bert Vandenberg...

He thought about nights with her..

and the sweet crazy lovemaking they shared in his loft........She thought about it too!

"The Flowers are beautiful....Thank you...How have you been?"she asked.

''I've been alright.. I've uh been in New Orleans and San Francisco , I'm back now...I see you're about to try a case against Auntie and Neicey tomorrow..." said Bert..

''Yes...I could have used you ...Your investigative prowess...Arthur Tragg is the case detective and he's done little to no investigating...I doubt if he's read the autopsy report...Maybe next time..."she said.
He took her in his arms... She could feel the huge bulge in his trousers...

"Yes, next time. baby!" he said.

She eased out of his embrace...

"Uh Bert....We can't do that anymore....I'm in a committed relationship now and I have been for close to a year...I'm sorry." she said staring at his trousers  which were standing out like a circus tent..

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she said, staring at it.

"I uh...I uh understand." he said and he slipped quietly out of her office...

She leaned up against the door and sighed deeply...

The Preliminary Hearings began the next day...

Judge Tad Thornton was presiding..

She felt as though Judge Thornton didn't like her...  She knew that he had been in law school with both Olivia and Yvette and the rumors that he had the hots for both of them..

The rumors weren't true..but like any story told and repeated enough times...People tended to believe it and regard it as truth...

Olivia and her niece, Beverly walked in together ....She didn't believe they were aunt and niece, They looked too much alike..She believed they were actually sisters, but the Aunt and Niece thing made them seem more" exotic" James Bomer walked in with them, God he was handsome she thought...even if he was gay...

The rest of our crew walked in, Nelson, Josie, Bresha and I.....

Diane envied Olivia.. Flanked by young , intelligent and aggressive attorneys she trusted and a husband who was a damn good investigator..

She had Lt. Tragg ,who was only good in the bed..but lousy as a Homicide Detective... She looked at him and just sighed... She hoped she could pull this off..

The opening arguments began, with Diane arguing that this was a crime of passion, that James Bomer planned and killed his lover, Carlton Caldwell because he could not control him and because Carlton had a slew of other lovers..

She provided photos of three men who had also shared his bed... We knew about those guys..
Olivia argued that nothing was further from the truth...That James had only been with Carlton on the day that he died ,that he didn't know the other men and that they didn't know him...

Josie, Beverly and Nelson on cross asked each guy if they knew or saw James Bomer prior to their dalliances with Carlton Caldwell..

Only one said that he knew James was his attorney and agent..The others had never seen or heard about him and didn't care because they only had casual sex and were not in a committed relationship..

Score one for the Defense..

For the first time, we got surprised in court... Diane had subpoenaed Alvin Davis, the former lover of James Bomer..

Olivia and Bresha objected arguing that Mr. Davis was paying them to defend Mr. Bomer and that that constituted a conflict of interest...

were on their laptops feverishly looking for precedents and or predicates..

Lt. Tragg was smiling.. He had never seen us surprised or rattled like that before..

Olivia looked at Alvin with a sense of betrayal...She didn't like being surprised in court..She worked very hard on preparation and having information....She felt Alvin should have told her he had been subpoenaed..

Judge Thornton did not like ADA Baronski's high handed tactics and appeared very perturbed..
He glared at her..

"This is indeed highly irregular and I know you know better..However I'm going to allow you to question him..but you'd better watch it!"he said.
"Thank you your honor...Mr. Davis, were you and Mr. Bomer in a committed relationship?" asked Diane.

"Yes , we were...for seven years we shared a loft..."said Alvin David.

"This is not the first time he has cheated on you is it?" she asked. "In Fact it's the third isn't it?" said Diane..
''Asked and Answered...The ADA is testifying for the witness."said Olivia.
"I agree , ask a question counselor." said the Judge.
Diane smiled seductively... "No Further questions your honor." she said..
I looked at Lt. Tragg..

He was busting a gut laughing... Seeing Olivia and the guys squirm...Surprised in court for the first time.. It had been his idea to have Alvin Davis subpoenaed at the last minute...knowing they wouldn't be ready for it..

Olivia stared at Lt. Tragg with an icy hatred...She knew this little stunt was his..

Nelson, Beverly, Josie and Bresha weren't prepared for what to do against Alvin....They looked bewildered.
I was angry  about not catching it..But how could I have...We had been in Camden running our mock trial and appeared to be ready for everything..We didn't figure on that.
James Bomer looked sick on his stomach....He knew Alvin was doing this out of spite...To get back at him for hurting him...He just shook his head...


"The Prosecution rests it case your honor, We have presented enough evidence for this case to be held over for trial." said ADA Diane Baronski.
"Mrs. Alexander do you wish to present a defense?" asked Judge Thornton.
''No your honor..we will wait for trial." said Olivia.
''Auntay are you serious?" asked Beverly.
"Yes..We are going to prepare for any more surprises." said Olivia.
"I dropped the ball on that one..I'm sorry baby." I said.
"This wasn't your fault dear heart, how could you have possibly known? This was a last minute play...I suspect Lt. Tragg came up with this idea.." said Olivia.
She planted a soft ,slow butter soft kiss on my lips..

"Alright then , It's Wednesday...Trial will begin Monday Morning in this courtroom.. 10:00 AM,
Be on time and be ready for trial...Court dismissed." he said.
Lt. Tragg was tickled pink...He ran his hands up Diane's skirt, rubbing her legs and palming her butt...
Diane was happy, but not that happy... She removed his hands...

"KNOCK IT OFF!" she said firmly...."It's not Happy time." she said .

She had won this week, but she knew Olivia..She was smart and cagey...She wouldn't take this lying down..

Alvin came running up to us outside of the courthouse...

"Olivia I'm sooo sorry, Sooo Sorry..They subpoenaed me the day before the hearings started..

Charles and I were in Curleys having drinks and Lt. Tragg walked in and slapped a subpoena in my lap.. It was so late that there would have been no way you would have seen it in discovery at the time. Charles and I drove by your house..but no one was home..By the time you guys got home, it was too late to call...I swear...I know you'd come up with a way to counterbalance her.. Jackson and Sawyer vs
The state of Mississippi..Look it up.." said Alvin Davis,

Olivia smiled. "You're forgiven Alvin...Now next week I'm going to be unrelenting in the way I destroy that harpie." said Olivia.

Bresha stood by Olivia smiling..

Nelson, Beverly, Josie and I knew that we had to go back to work , to get ready for a trial, we thought we were totally prepared for.


Olivia looked ravishing in her white slip dress as we sat across our bed in our room that afternoon...She had bought that from Victoria's Secret ,last time we had all been in San Francisco....I loved it..

"This is so nice having so me and you time after this trial we've been involved in."she said smiling...

''Diane Baronski has a reputation of being cut throat...She really tossed a monkey wrench in these precedings."I said as I took her in my arms and kissed her passionately...

"That's Okay....I can't wait to present our defense... Did you notice she didn't call Officer Barnes?  Enough shop talk.. I want you to make sweet love to me."she cooed.

as we continued kissing and rolling across the bed...

''Ummmmmmm let me get undressed.."I said.

''Hurry up." she said..

Olivia laughed at how fast I was getting out of my clothing...

"Oh My...Ouuuu  Donnie Ray..... Look at youuuuuu, ouuuuuuu, " she said..

I was fully erect and hard...

 She smelled like a new born baby and had skin as soft as one...She kissed me slowly,softly.....

''Calm down..Calm down...It's all good.."she said..

"Yes..Yes it is.."I said.

My boxers stood out like a tent and she smiled...

"Oh my goodness...Look at youuuuu!...." she said...

"I guess you can uh tell I'm a little excited" I said.

"Most definitely.....Wowzers..wouuuuuu, look at you.Ohhh myyyy..More than just a little" she said holding her hand over her mouth and laughing.....

I had a raging erection that I had successfully hidden up until now...She smiled at me...I pulled her to me and began kissing her passionately... She stroked it gently and smiled at I slipped her panties down.

"Ummmmm come here." she said softly.....
She fondled me softly and gently, which was driving me crazy...I licked and sucked her breasts...Which was doing the same to her...But she didn't say a word...She opened her mouth a little, but no sounds came out..

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mister Alexanderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodnesss.........ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned....

"Damn girl...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I moaned myself..

 I straddled Olivia on the bed... , We continued kissing...laughing ,silently....She kissed my neck, my chest, my cheeks and finally my lips...I kissed her breasts and her neck...finally, I was entering her luscious body....

"Oh My God....Oh my goddddddddddddd.."I moaned....

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mister Alexanderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodnesss.........ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned....


Moving in and out slowly....Olivia moved up and down slowly....We both wanted to cry out..but we couldn't...

"Oh My God....Oh my goddddddddddddd.."I moaned....

Olivia laughed......

The bed squeaked a little bit , we smiled at each other......She began licking my neck and sucking on it,which made me begin moving deeper and deeper into her warm and wet lusciousness.......

''Baby,All day long, you were all I thought about..."I said..

She continued kissing me..

"Really?."she said..

"Yes! "I said.

"Well I'm here now!" she said, continuing to kiss me..

" This is driving me crazy...." I moaned silently...

''Me too..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned...
She kept moving up and down and then from side to side...The bed was rocking and slamming against the wall...We slowed down a bit...She looked like she was climaxing...I slowed down immensely and moved in a little harder.....She let out a soft  whisper...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Yesssss..Mister Alexander....Ohhhhh"she moaned...

''Yes...yessssssssssssssss...ouuu, " I moaned..

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."she cried out!

The bed squeaked a little bit more ,but nowhere near like our old one...

"Mrs. Alexander...You are one naughty girl...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.."I moaned..

"Naughty is sexy!"said Olivia.

"No argument there Mrs. Alexander....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." I said.

 We kept on at it for EIGHT TO NINE HOURS..We couldn't seem to get enough of each other....We managed to climax together...holding each other tightly..and breathing heavy...Kissing each other as if it were going out of style.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mr. Alexander...ouuuuuuuu that was soooo nice." said Olivia in between wet sloppy kisses...

"Yes lord....Yesss lord Mrs. Alexander...."I said.

She giggled and ran her index finger across my lips...

"Oh My God Donnie Ray, that was awesome..Whoooooo."whispered Olivia..Her legs were shaking...She was climaxing hard....

"Ohhhhh my lord!" she moaned....

I listened...I heard nothing....I smiled... We started kissing again...She fondled me softly some more...I was going bananas.....I not surprisingly felt myself getting hard again...and began to move slowly inside and out of her....once again!!! An HOUR AND A HALF went by...more kissing, more sweet lovemaking..another HOUR...

"Ohhhh are something else Mister Alexander!!!.....Oh  My goodness...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"laughed Olivia...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."was all I could manage to say...

I entered her and begin to thrust inside of her deeply. I tried to catch my breath, Olivia wrapped her legs around me and her arms around my neck as if I was falling off a cliff.

"Ouuuuu Mister Alexander....ohhh my goodness..wooooooooooo.."she moaned..laughing and turning her head from side to side....

"Awwwwww lawddddd!" I moaned myself....

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Donnie lord..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...." she moaned...

"Girl, what are you doing to me?" I asked...I was losing my mind...

Olivia laughed and kissed me slower,softer....

"Nothin.....Just trying to make you feel goooooooooooooooood as usual...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..I know you've missed this for a few nights..." she cooed.

"'re doing a good job...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..damn good job!!I almost exploded last night just looking at you...while you were asleep...but I know you needed your sleep after working so hard on this case...."I moaned...

"Glad you like it baby!I'm glad you didn't explode last night as you say..These are brand new sheets" she said...

It was my turn to laugh as we continued kissing and making sweet love...

"Mrs. Alexander...I love you!!!.."I said...

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Yesssssssssssss...I love you tooo..ohhhhhhhh stop showing off....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.."she cried out..

We quickly got into a nice deliberate rhythm.. I just wanted to go hard and fast, but she slowed us down. I could barely stand it.It felt so good...

"Take your time sweetie...Take your timeeeeeeeee....Mama isn't going anywhereeeee.." she cooed...

"Ohhhhhhhhh.." was all I could mutter...... The sound of her voice got me even more excited.....

I slowed it way down with deep, long strokes that made me feel like I was losing my mind...She kissed me softly and blew into my ears...

 Olivia began to shake and gyrate and  more tears began to stream down her face....

"Ouuuuuuuuu,Oh my goodness Donnie Ray , you really don't get enough...ouuuuuuuuu youuu?" she asked as I began stroking her again....I had not...

I said nothing....I just went about my business...Another TWO HOURS AND A HALF went by....

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goood lawd!" she moaned...

  She felt as though she was climaxing several times....then in a huge wave...she whispered in my ear...

''Oh My god...I'm cumming.....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. You are outdoing yourself..ouuuuuu,ohhhhhh.." she softly cooed... , which made me climax myself..exploding literally and shaking  mightily...I put my hand over her mouth...

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ...ohhhhhhh my God....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..I love you so much....." she moaned silently...

"I love you too baby."I moaned and came so hard,it scared me...

I again collapsed on top of Olivia...I lie there on top of her for a moment, then finally ,I pulled out and lie on my back...breathing heavily...She lie still...

"Wow! Everytime we miss a few days....I know you're going to put it on me sooo good." she said....

 "WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" she yelled...Her legs were shaking and sweat was running down her face....

Finally she stopped shaking and had the sweetest and at the same time most devilish look on her face I'd ever seen...

She crawled on top of me and began deep throat kissing me...Wet and sloppily....and eased her self down on my still rock hard and wet penis...
and began moving up and down...up and down....I was going crazy...Olivia was so soft, so moist...and feeling all of these sensations...Within another HALF HOUR I came so hard...that I practically passed out...and the last thing I remember was Olivia, climaxing and laughing....
 ''What's so funny?" I asked.

"The faces you make when you're about know..." she said...

.We continued kissing until we both drifted off to sleep..

We went back to work over the weekend.. Saturday Morning,

Olivia, Beverly, Josie and Bresha were in the library doing more research of laws, predicates, prior cases...

Olivia , Nelson and I and Beverly were in the media room going over trial strategy on Sunday. and looking at the juror pool... I had done a background check on all of them and Nelson had told us what kind of juror we wanted for this case.

So Monday we went to Judge Tad Thornton......

with our plans..

We figured that since ADA Diane Baronski hadn't called Bert Parker as a witness, We knew she was going to move to exclude his testimony and any mention of his past..
Olivia looked on with pride as her "Babies" Bresha and Josie argued eloquently using laws and past cases justifying the use of his testimony and using his past to show his charactor and thus his credibility to the jury..The very thing Diane didn't want.

When they were finished..

Judge Tad Thornton smiled. he agreed and said he'd allow his testimony. He was impressed with how well his old college friend, Olivia had trained these two attorneys.

Olivia was moved to tears as her first two mentees, her niece Beverly and Nelson, who had been with her the longest argued to block Alvin Davis's testimony...

They invoked Jackson and Sawyer vs The state of Mississippi..

Judge Thornton had to look it up, but there it was.. He agreed to strike Alvin Davis's testimony completely.

This was a one two gut punch to ADA Diane Baronski..She left his chambers both angry and shaken.
She had to admit. Olivia and her attorneys did their homework.

She was so shaken..

Nelson got 11 of the 12 jurors we wanted..
"You guys are alright!" said James Bomer, completely pleased with his legal team and how they were fighting for him.

We were certainly pleased... Everything was back on track!



"The Prosecution Rests Your Honor." said ADA Diane Baronski who didn't look as confident as she had two weeks earlier at the end of the Preliminary Hearings..
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...You've been here for a week...You have heard the most creative and outrageous narrative about what happened in that apartment that morning ever. Use your common sense, whether you are straight or gay... All My client did was have a sexual encounter with the deceased young man.. He didn't kill him.. In fact the only mistake he made was of not locking the door.
I don't plan to hold you here past today....I'm going to present my entire defense today...How long you stay after today depends on how long you have to deliberate..." said Olivia.  She called Bert Parker to the stand..

He was originally a prosecution witness who was found to be so poisonous,  the prosecutiom did not call him. He was the only one claiming to be an "Eyewitness" to the crime.

"You are the head of Security in the Oscar Wilde Lofts are you not?" asked Beverly.

"Yeah..." he smirked....

''What did you used to do?" asked Beverly.

"I was a police officer in Bayside." he said. He thought they were going to bring up the unfortunate incident that got him fired...but to everyone's surprise..They didn't.

"This job pays pretty good doesn't it???, and you get to live rent free in one of the units...The Unit right next door to the deceased, Carlton Caldwell didn't you?" asked Beverly.

"Yeah." he said.

"You didn't like Mr. Caldwell did you?  In Fact you didn't like Gay people at all did you?" asked Beverly.

"WHAT?" he asked.

''I have here a stack of complaints about you from the people who lived in the lofts , all who happen to be Gay, who complained about your surly attitude, your use of homophobic slurs and your not taking their security complaints serious.. I have 12 people here who will testify to as much..And I have the Management staff here who said they had warned you twice to cool it." said Bresha.

"Alright, Alright...I uh , well they aint my favorite type of people, but like you said, the job paid well and I got to live in the units rent free." he snarled.

"On the morning of the murder you heard the two men moaning and groaning and the bed squeaking and the headboard slamming against the wall...You bammed on the wall and told them to quiet the noise right?" asked Nelson.

"Yeah they were goin at it like two cats in heat." he said.

The Jury and the visitors laughed out loud..

"So let's see, you say in the police report that you heard a loud argument afterwords and a loud thump and then two gunshots..and some glass breaking.. right?" said Josie.

"Yeah!" he said.

We brought a monitor up and turned it on.. In one room was a policeman... 

In the adjoining room  ,I fired three shots from the gun with a silencer into the shower, with water running full blast.. The glass shattered, but barely made a noise..

The Policeman in the other room said he couldn't hear it.

"By the way...It was three shots fired. Tell the truth..You didn't hear an argument and you didn't hear any thump....You didn't hear any glass shattering or three gunshots...You didn't hear anything did you?" asked Olivia..

"No!" he shrugged.

And this was the reason ADA Baronski didn't call him..His troublesome past, which we didn't mention at all, there was no need to...It had little or nothing to do with the case, was poison and his testimony seemed shady to even the casual person. Only Lt. Tragg took it as gospel and never questioned it or analyzed it.

ADA Diane Baronski glared angrilly at Lt. Tragg..

Lt. Tragg looked like he had swallowed a canary.

Olivia called her final witness.

Roderick Griffin. 

''What is your present occupation?" asked Olivia.
"I'm uh between jobs." he said and laughed.
"You're in between jail sentences.. You have several arrests for car thefts...and prostitution.
including the theft of  this car..Which you were arrested for, but released because there was no evidence that you stole it.." said Beverly switching on the monitor..

But here is this same car, the car you swear you did not steal.. in front of the Oscar Wilde Lofts just minutes before the murder of Carlton Caldwell,parked in the side driveway.

and look!! There is you ,getting out said car..

That is you isn't it?" asked Beverly.

"That's a great coat...I love it...But it was 80-90 degrees that morning. Why did you have on a coat and leather gloves ? And why did you enter through the back door? How did you know it would be open?
Because you've been here before  and Carlton always left that door propped open so his guests could have easy access." asked Josie.

"I refuse to answer on the account it may incriminate me." he said.

"Carlton partied  a lot...You have arrests for prostitution...His autopsy report states that he was HIV positive at the time of his death and yet he was still having reckless sex.. with YOU!! You're now HIV positive too! He called you and told you to get a check up as soon as he got his diagnosis. didn't he? You visited the clinic and two days later he was dead...You killed him didn't you? You too are HIV positive, He gave you a death sentence didn't he??" asked Olivia.

"Uh, I aint sayin nothin else..I want a lawyer." said Roderick Griffin.

We rested our case.


"The Jury came back fast..Is that good?" asked Beverly.

"In this case, yes." said Olivia.

"We got this..I'm one hundred percent certain. If we lose this case..I'll sleep in the spare room for a week with no sex."said a confident Nelson.

"You'd better watch saying things like that." said Beverly.

"I don't think  he'll have anything to worry about." I said.
"AND YOU TWO...EXCELLENT JOB!" said Olivia looking at Josie and Bresha, her two junior attorneys. They were coming right along. She hugged them both.
"Thanks Liv." said Josie.
"Thank You Liv." said Bresha.

"Here comes the jury." said Jimmy.

"Relax Kid, you knocked it out the box...Did you see that one day defense Olivia put up? If she had a case..It would have been a better defense than that..Why that's the weakest defense they've put up yet." said a super confident Lt. Tragg.
ADA Baronski said nothing.

"Has the jury come to a decision?" asked Judge Thornton.

"We have your honor." said the Jury foreperson.

She passed the envelope to the bailiff, who passed it to Judge Thornton. He read it and snickered.

"Read it." he said.


"I would like to once again thank the jury for your time and patience... You are dismissed. Your checks will be issued to you at the rear of the courtroom." he said.

"WOUUUUUUU!" yelled Olivia and Beverly, who jumped in the air and high fived each other!
Olivia then pulled me toward her...

Olivia gave me a butter soft kiss..

"I'm gonna screw the panties off of you when we get home." I whispered in her ear..

"OUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" cooed Olivia as we continued kissing.
"Face it, you couldn't have stayed with me a whole week and not touched me." laughed Beverly.
"I couldn't have stayed with you a day and not touch you." said Nelson.
She giggled. "I know that!" she said and kissed him passionately.

"You guys are worth your weight in gold, can I buy you a drink?" asked newly exonerated Jimmy Bomer.
"Sure, just as long as it's not Curleys."said Josie.
"Yeah anywhere but there tonight." said Bresha.

"Look at em, gloating, High Fiving, Kissing." snarled Lt. Tragg.
"They won...They deserve to celebrate."said Diane.
"They had an investigator, who obviously did his homework...Perhaps you should  hold up on making a quick arrest in the future and dig a little deeper.."said ADA Jake Patais aka "Lawyer Bae."
"Ahhh Shut UP don't tell me how to do my job.. I ought to belt ya one." said a very angry Lt. Tragg.
"Leave him alone..He's right you know." said Diane.
Jake smiled.
Diane turned and kissed him passionately..

Lt. Tragg turned and walked out of the courtroom, he didn't feel like facing the press..

It began to rain... Appropriate for how the week had been going.


Roderick Griffen was charged and convicted of General Murder and Auto Theft. He was sentenced to 15-30 years..

Bert Parker was fired from his job as Head of Security at the Oscar wilde Lofts.. He's back in Bayside,living in his mother's basement.
Olivia and I went home after trial..

We spent the rest of the afternoon in bed, making sweet love.

As did Beverly and Nelson.

who like us were "celebrating" in bed making sweet love.

Josie and Bresha however took James Bomer up on his offer and had drinks with him at a rooftop restaurant.

"I'll have to do something for Olivia and Beverly later, maybe next week to show my appreciation." said newly free and exonerated James Bomer.
"What do you plan to do now?" asked Josie.
"Yeah?" asked Bresha.

''I've still got my law practice, my clients in the entertainment world.. I'm just going to throw myself into my work and time find myself a new boyfriend." said James.

"That's smart...Be careful out there." said Bresha.

"Yes." said Josie.

As their drinks came and they enjoyed the cool breeze of the afternoon.

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