Life couldn't be any sweeter for me than it is now. I'm in a new city, got a job, even got a car and to top it off, I got a new woman...Got a new name too.. Don't go by the name of Willie Parmenter anymore...FBI is still looking for me. I go by the name of Frank Sullivan. I can't for the life of me understand why the FBI is still lookin for me..They captured my wife, Lola Mae in Atlantic City six months ago. She confessed to eight murders...Two of em, I didn't even know about. She led the Atlanta P.D. to the river where we dropped the body of her co-worker. They also found the body of Sadie Brown..who I didn't even know she had killed. The Philly PD and the Baltimore PD
were able to close three open murder cases as was the Miami PD. The Atlantic City coppers closed a case that they didn't even know they had. Lola Mae waived a trial and for sparing the court a lengthy trial..they spared her life. She was sentenced to eight consecutive life sentences.
She'll more than likely never see the light of day again..Shame though, she was a great peice of ass if nothin else..I will miss that good lovin...but I won't miss being watched and stalked and having every girl I try to mess with endin up dead. Nah, I definitely will not miss that.
After the FBI got Lola Mae, I stole a car and drove it to Philly...Ditched it there and took the train to Florida. Been here ever since. I had all of my hair and my facial hair shaved off, got myself a gold earring stud for one of my ears..conned my way into a gym membership and have taken on a whole new appearence. Found me a job as the Head Cook at a trendy new Restaurant and even saved up and bought me a little used car. It's a 2004, which aint too bad.
I met me a fine young southern thing named Ruby Lee, a fine young thing...got junk in her trunk, dress real nice, keep her hair lookin good , always smells good too. Ruby is about 2 or 3 years older than me, but you'd never know it. I live with her. Her old man died and left her with a lot of dough.. I don't even have to give her any of the money I make..I just keep her satisfied in the bedroom, (which I always do) and she's happy. I tell you, life can't be any sweeter.
Every now and then, I go in the Post Office and see an FBI wanted poster with my face on it...They want me for "Complicity in numerous Homicides.." Man, that's crazy..I aint killed nobody..I didn't tell Lola Mae and her crazy ass to kill nobody either...but once her simple jealous ass did do it right in front of me, I had to cover it up...I mean she was...Is my wife...Crazy ass woman.
The story should have ended here, right..with me safe and sound in my anonymity...That is a word right? It woulda had I have not met Angelita...Lawd,Lawd,Lawd...It was my day off and I took Ruby Lee's Lexus instead of my car and was driving around town and there she was...The
finest woman in all of south Florida. She was Brown skinned, with Jet black hair that came all the
way to her waistline..Some hips on her to die for, nice shapely legs and a nice huge rack that seemed to defy reason...She had cute dimples on the side of each cheek..She couldn't have been more than 23 or 24. Well, my tongue was hangin out....I drove along side of her and started talking to her...She started talking back to me, just as easy, you know...and the next thing you know..She's in the car and we just riding along the coast line..just chillin.
We stopped at a little bar and grill and had a delicious lunch...Corn on the cob, Cole Slaw..Cucumber salad and Grilled Hot Dogs. We topped that off with some Sweet Tea. We topped that off with some heavy making out in the back seat of that Lexus...I slid my hand up her dress and eased her panties down and just as I was about to enter her...she stopped me...
"You got to cover that thing up...you aint going to do it to me without no protection." she said.
"Aww come on now honey, you got me hotter than a damn firecracker on the fourth of July,
now don't do me like this." I begged.
"Lucky for you, I have a condom in my purse...pass it to me.." she said.
I quickly passed it to her and she pulled it out. I rushed putting it on and then we got into it...and I mean I put my thing down if I don't say so myself..Had that young girl screaming and calling saints like she was in the ministry or somethin.
After we was through, I dropped her off in town and returned home. I really should have checked the car...In hindsight, I really should have. I should have also of given Ruby Lee more credit than I did for being sharp.
Ruby Lee never said a word to me, but in the coming days after that, she seemed to act distant,
kinda like Lola Mae...I thought nothing of it when she gave me some money and asked me to go
down to the grocery store to buy some Strawberries for dinner. She was always baking and she told me she was making me a Strawberry Upside down cake...my favorite dessert.
I walked outside in my white khaki pants, black wifebeater t-shirt and straw hat....I started to get in her Lexus...There was two men, one black, one hispanic standing outside of her house when I walked out....The Black guy had on White Khaki pants, sandals, a very colorful shirt and
black shades....The Hispanic guy had on some Black slacks, sandals and a Navy blue Polo shirt...
Both of em looked cool...So I barely paid them any mind. I put the key in the ignition and the Black guy pulled out the biggest gun I ever saw and placed it at my temple..The Hispanic man
pulled out a riot pump shotgun and aimed it me...and now I saw several guys in suits and wing tipped shoes all running for my car...and I heard the familiar words-
"Are you William Louis Parmenter?? Mr. Parmenter, I am Special Agent Bobby Socks ,FBI...
you're under arrest for Interstate Flight to avoid prosecution for Conspiracy and Complicity in
Homicides in Georgia, Florida,Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersery...You have the right to
remain silent..anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law...You have the right to an attorney...if you can not afford an attorney, one will be obtained for you..do you understand what is being said to you?" he said.
Bobby Socks?? A Black man, a brother named Bobby Socks??? I almost laughed, but nothing was funny....it was all over...I was going to jail...I couldn't believe it...Ruby Lee knew who I really was all along...She had never once been fooled..she went along because she wanted a man in the bed with her...She didn't need money, so why did she betray me???
I got my answer as they handcuffed me and put me in the car...She walked outside with a used
condom wrapper.....She had found it in the car!!! I knew I had forgotten to do somethin..To clean that car out properly...She looked at me and smiled so sweetly...I couldn't believe it.
My whole new life, down the toilet...because I cheated on her...If I hadn't of cheated, who knows,
I might still be free....Now, I'm going to jail...I can't believe it..(The sex wasn't even that good..That young girl didn't know what she was doin. Ruby Lee was far more experienced in the bedroom.) A tear ran down my face as the cars drove off with me and I saw Ruby Lee, sweet Ruby Lee standing there on that street..just a smiling. My life is over....
William Parmenter was convicted of his complicity, in the murder of Leslie Young, his wife's
co-worker. He was sentenced to Life in Prison. To date ,he is still married to Lola Mae....He has written her and e-mailed her several times since he has been incarcerated..She has never answered any of his letters or e-mails.
( For A.J.)