The First time I cheated on my wife was ,I guess..the night before we got married. It was with a girl who I'd been looking at for awhile and who had been looking at me. Each time we decided we
were going to get together ,the timing just wasn't right. Either she had a man or I was involved with somebody. My name is William Parmenter...My friends just call me "Willie" I'm from Atlanta ,Georgia. That is where my story and the story of my wife, Lola Mae Parmenter begins.
The night before Lola Mae and I got married, me and my main man, Rob Roy Johnson decided to spend my "last night of freedom" out on the town. We hit a couple of bars, had a few Coronas
, watched the Hawks beat the Boston Celtics..and then went to an after hours joint..Inside this joint was Cookie. Cookie is the girl I was talkin about...Just as fine as she wanna be..Always had a thing for old Willie P. and Willie P. always had a thing for her. I bought her a Vodka and Cranberry Juice and saddled up next to her.
"So Willie...you gettin married tomorrow huh?" she said.
"Yeah, finnally somebody got the kid.." I laughed as I drank.
"Everybody didn't "get" the kid."she said and winked at me as she looked at my crotch.
"What you sayin gurl?" I laughed...(I always laughed or giggled uneasily when I was horny.)
"I aint sayin nothin...but it's either now or nevuh...." she said, not even looking at me!
I asked for the check...Told Rob Roy to pick me up on time the next morning and got in Cookie's
car and drove to her house. We spent the whole night,making sweet love and I mean sweet love
in her bedroom... No music, no phone, no cell phones, no nothing..She took the phone off of the receiver, turned her cell phone off and led me to her bedroom. We stopped a couple of times to get sodas to drink, but then we returned right to her bedroom.
On the morning of my wedding, I was so weak and tired, I didn't know what to do. Rob came and got me, took me to his house, where I showered and shaved and put on my Tux and then made it to the church on time. 12:00 noon baby! Dont'cha know that "Cookie" came to our wedding and sat right up front in the sexiest Peach Mini Skirt...I ever saw...With White pantyhose and matching peach high heels. Heads was turning and I was trying my best not to look at her...
That night on our honeymoon, I made sweet love to Lola Mae, who was no slouch herself as far as looks were concerned..(She turned heads herself) or prowess in the bedroom...(She could curl some toes..believe that!!) But Lola Mae had one problem...You know how people talk dirty when they making love.?..Lola Mae always cried and begged and pleaded, especially when it was gettin
good....when she was about to climax-
"Oh Willie...Willie...Ah loves you so....
Aint I enough woman for you??
Don't you love me as much as I love you?
You don't want no other woman but me right??
Aint I enough for ya baby?"
As soon as I would re-assure her,usually by saying-
"Yeah baby, you da only one who can make love to me like this..."
Lola Mae would have the loudest climax of all times...Shaking, trembling and letting out a yell that could wake the dead.
So when we came back from our honeymoon, I was shocked to read the paper and find out that
"Cookie" had been found murdered in her living room! There was no finger prints or any sign
of a break in. She had been strangled, bludgeoned and then finnally shot. I couldn't imagine why someone would want to kill her. She had no children, no baby daddy drama and none of her ex boyfriends were what you call stalkers or violent. In fact, every last one of em was trying to get
back with her..that's how good the punanny was. The murder remains unsolved to this day, to
all except me!
A few months later..I started fooling around with one of my wife's co-workers...I used to talk to her while I was waiting for Lola Mae to come out into the parking lot...She kinda slipped me her
number and the next thing I know...we was meetin at a motel ,right outside of Atlanta, screwing
our brains out. I don't know if a Private Detective was watching me or what, But Lola Mae found us...I tried to explain, but she went right past me and beat the living fool out of her co-worker...beat her a little too much...she killed her! I saw it....I went from being shocked to being
turned on!! I ripped Lola Mae's blouse off and began biting her bra until I'd pulled it off with my teeth...I threw her on the bed and we went at it...hard...with the dead girl's body right there...
Lola Mae and I had the best sex of our lives right there in that hotel room and she must have came a half dozen times. I couldn't keep my hands off of her..We must have done it a good seven or eight more times before ....finnally being spent, we had to decide what to do with the dead girl's body. I cut her head off with a machete I went out and bought. I then cut both of the
feet off and placed them in a Hefty trash bag. We put the rest of the torso in another Hefty trash
bag and then put both in the trunk of her (the co-worker's ) car. Lola Mae went out got some
Bleach and really wiped that room down. Then I checked out and we drove to the river, weighted down the torso and the head and feet and dropped them both in the river. That was the first murder that I knew about.
That night, Lola Mae confessed to me that she had killed "Cookie", the day after we got back from our honeymoon. I was so turned on that for the next month, she didn't have to worry about me straying....I was around her like a puppy dog, doing anything and everything to keep her happy and keep her in the sack.
My wife is crazy....I guess you can tell!
(To be continued.......)
were going to get together ,the timing just wasn't right. Either she had a man or I was involved with somebody. My name is William Parmenter...My friends just call me "Willie" I'm from Atlanta ,Georgia. That is where my story and the story of my wife, Lola Mae Parmenter begins.
The night before Lola Mae and I got married, me and my main man, Rob Roy Johnson decided to spend my "last night of freedom" out on the town. We hit a couple of bars, had a few Coronas
, watched the Hawks beat the Boston Celtics..and then went to an after hours joint..Inside this joint was Cookie. Cookie is the girl I was talkin about...Just as fine as she wanna be..Always had a thing for old Willie P. and Willie P. always had a thing for her. I bought her a Vodka and Cranberry Juice and saddled up next to her.
"So Willie...you gettin married tomorrow huh?" she said.
"Yeah, finnally somebody got the kid.." I laughed as I drank.
"Everybody didn't "get" the kid."she said and winked at me as she looked at my crotch.
"What you sayin gurl?" I laughed...(I always laughed or giggled uneasily when I was horny.)
"I aint sayin nothin...but it's either now or nevuh...." she said, not even looking at me!
I asked for the check...Told Rob Roy to pick me up on time the next morning and got in Cookie's
car and drove to her house. We spent the whole night,making sweet love and I mean sweet love
in her bedroom... No music, no phone, no cell phones, no nothing..She took the phone off of the receiver, turned her cell phone off and led me to her bedroom. We stopped a couple of times to get sodas to drink, but then we returned right to her bedroom.
On the morning of my wedding, I was so weak and tired, I didn't know what to do. Rob came and got me, took me to his house, where I showered and shaved and put on my Tux and then made it to the church on time. 12:00 noon baby! Dont'cha know that "Cookie" came to our wedding and sat right up front in the sexiest Peach Mini Skirt...I ever saw...With White pantyhose and matching peach high heels. Heads was turning and I was trying my best not to look at her...
That night on our honeymoon, I made sweet love to Lola Mae, who was no slouch herself as far as looks were concerned..(She turned heads herself) or prowess in the bedroom...(She could curl some toes..believe that!!) But Lola Mae had one problem...You know how people talk dirty when they making love.?..Lola Mae always cried and begged and pleaded, especially when it was gettin
good....when she was about to climax-
"Oh Willie...Willie...Ah loves you so....
Aint I enough woman for you??
Don't you love me as much as I love you?
You don't want no other woman but me right??
Aint I enough for ya baby?"
As soon as I would re-assure her,usually by saying-
"Yeah baby, you da only one who can make love to me like this..."
Lola Mae would have the loudest climax of all times...Shaking, trembling and letting out a yell that could wake the dead.
So when we came back from our honeymoon, I was shocked to read the paper and find out that
"Cookie" had been found murdered in her living room! There was no finger prints or any sign
of a break in. She had been strangled, bludgeoned and then finnally shot. I couldn't imagine why someone would want to kill her. She had no children, no baby daddy drama and none of her ex boyfriends were what you call stalkers or violent. In fact, every last one of em was trying to get
back with her..that's how good the punanny was. The murder remains unsolved to this day, to
all except me!
A few months later..I started fooling around with one of my wife's co-workers...I used to talk to her while I was waiting for Lola Mae to come out into the parking lot...She kinda slipped me her
number and the next thing I know...we was meetin at a motel ,right outside of Atlanta, screwing
our brains out. I don't know if a Private Detective was watching me or what, But Lola Mae found us...I tried to explain, but she went right past me and beat the living fool out of her co-worker...beat her a little too much...she killed her! I saw it....I went from being shocked to being
turned on!! I ripped Lola Mae's blouse off and began biting her bra until I'd pulled it off with my teeth...I threw her on the bed and we went at it...hard...with the dead girl's body right there...
Lola Mae and I had the best sex of our lives right there in that hotel room and she must have came a half dozen times. I couldn't keep my hands off of her..We must have done it a good seven or eight more times before ....finnally being spent, we had to decide what to do with the dead girl's body. I cut her head off with a machete I went out and bought. I then cut both of the
feet off and placed them in a Hefty trash bag. We put the rest of the torso in another Hefty trash
bag and then put both in the trunk of her (the co-worker's ) car. Lola Mae went out got some
Bleach and really wiped that room down. Then I checked out and we drove to the river, weighted down the torso and the head and feet and dropped them both in the river. That was the first murder that I knew about.
That night, Lola Mae confessed to me that she had killed "Cookie", the day after we got back from our honeymoon. I was so turned on that for the next month, she didn't have to worry about me straying....I was around her like a puppy dog, doing anything and everything to keep her happy and keep her in the sack.
My wife is crazy....I guess you can tell!
(To be continued.......)
WTF ?? Who is this guy??
Willie Parmemter has got to be your most unpopular charactor yet!
Oh my god, you've created a charactor more narcistic than Cock
Robbins..He's a peice of work.
I hate Willie Parmenter,When is he going to be caught?? Him and his
demon seed wife??
Oh no he didn't say that his wife is crazy?? What about him??
Great Story Keith
These two seem even more frightening.
Now that we have seen Willie, are we going to get a look at Lola Mae
too? She's the real murderer, yet Willie seems just as chilling.
Man this is deep, that's all I gotta say, deep as hell. Great Job
Masterful psychological look at a very scary...well, two very scary individuals.
Okay, they gotta be stopped...Kevin is the only one smart enough to stop em...and if it aint him, then who? They gotta be stopped.
At this point brother I'm Hyped..
What's next?
My wife is crazy...I guess you can tell!
What gave you the first clue?
And you is a crazy bitch for helping her get rid of that girls body!
Who the hell is this guy Keith?
@Somebodies Friend- He's a pretty weird charactor, as is his wife. What is most chilling about people who do stuff like this is that they never see their weirdness..They think they are perfectly normal.
Aww hell naw man, you dont cheat before the wedding....
Wille is something else
Wow....call me crazy, but I really like this...
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