Wednesday, November 26, 2008

(My Love) Don't Leave Home Without It

You don't think I'm good enough
you're always looking for someone a little better..
always willing to negotiate
or hesitate..
when the going gets tough..
It's like waiting for the grass to get greener
or water to get wetter...
fickle girl
always looking for someone better../

See, if you believed in love as I do
I wouldn't have to be writing this poem about you..
If I could snatch a minute out of your ambition..
time enough for you to understand my position..
then maybe you wouldn't have me feeling so blue../

It's a cold and lonely world out there baby..
don't take my kindness for granted..
It's a cold and lonely world out there lady..
don't take my sweetness for weakness..
my feet are solidly planted..
the gambler's say go with a sure thing instead of a maybe..
My Love..
don't doubt it..
Don't leave home without it baby../

You're always looking for the next best thing..
never sure of what the next Harvest may bring..
who will shelter you when the weather gets rough?
more than likely it'll be me, who you don't believe is
quite enough..

and if you could just believe in love like I do..
I wouldn't have to be wasting my time..
writing clever rhymes for you..
If I could just snatch one ounce of that crazy ambition...
just enough for you to understand my position..
then maybe I wouldn't be sitting home alone and blue...
Maybe I would be spending my nights with you.../

It's a cold and lonely world out there Lady...
don't take my kindness for granted...
It's a cold and lonely world out there Baby..
don't take my sweetness for weakness..
my feet are solidly planted..
The gamblers say go with a sure thing and not a "maybe"
My Love...
Don't Doubt it..
Don't leave home without it baby../

My Love...
Don't doubt it...
Don't leave home without it..
(I'm like American Express baby..
Don't leave home without it
(I'm Like Visa girl, I'm where you need me to be..)
Don't Leave Home Without it..
(I'm like love is priceless..)
Don't leave home without it../


Somebodies Friend said...

I think there is a mixed message in this one Keith, cuz in a way I am feelin it, but in a way I'm not.

It depends on which perspective I look at it from.

The one perspective I am not feelin is the not good enough angle. My gal and I definately love each other, mat least I hope we do, because I know how I feel, and I am pretty certain she feels the same about me!

Keith said...

@Somebodies Friend- I wrote this years ago about a young lady I dated in college.

Anonymous said...

I'm with it too...I've dated the type.Good poem Keith.

Anonymous said...

lolololol Keith, you is a s#$t talkin brother..I bet you had game like a mug when you was young..lololollol

"I'm like Mastercard...priceless"

I'm lovin that playa!

Anonymous said...

I'm feelin it...I've lived it.

Anonymous said...

Nice Play on words and slogans...I liked this. I've tried to stay away from the high maintenance types.

Anonymous said...

Dang, I wanted to be first ..and all you guys beat me to it. Nice poem Keith

Anonymous said...

There's no blog better to read while enjoying my morning coffee
but Escapades Keith...Liked the poem.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading both of your blogs simultaneously....Touched by one
and moved by the other.

Keith said...

@Lisa- Wow Lisa...Which one did what?-lolol

Anonymous said...

Checking in late as usual...Enjoyed both of your posts

Anonymous said...

Very Amusing and Humorous..I liked it.