Wednesday, May 1, 2019

To The Beach

"So you say Mo Mo and Nate are locked up in a dungeon....and it's near by? You two did that locked in thing she told me about?" said Kylie..
"Yes...She contacted me last night..."said Monique...
"It's Moray....He's making his move...."said Kylie..
''What are you talking about?" asked Monique.
"He fished those two in here for one reason and one reason destroy all of his criminal records...all of them....He can be at large and in charge and we'll have no way to trace him....They gave me those files back and I looked at them...They're dummy files.....I suspect they've destroyed the files....Next they'll be wanting your DNA and Forensic Files on him...I suggest you make copies and give them what they want...."said Kylie..
 "Okay, but what then?" asked Monique..
"We are going to have to stall them....Moray wants them to finish whatever business they have...Then he won't need the real Nate and Monica anymore.. He'll kill them.. But we have the upper hand.. You can lead us to them.." said Kylie..
"I can..."said Monique..
"Is your husband on board?" asked Kylie..
''He will be.." said Monique..
"The Power of The Panties." laughed Kylie..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..but you're right...He is like a trained seal.. He'll do anything to get some."laughed Monique..
"Lawd  today...Two hotties...What are you girls talking about?" he asked ,laughing sheepishly...
"Don't you have a crap game to play somewhere?" asked Kylie.

"You uh know about my uh extra-curricular activities eh?" said Detective Payne..
"I hear things.. You'd better watch yourself..."said Kylie..
He whispered in her ear...

"I'd rather watch you naked...on my bear skin rug in my apartment...tonight..."he said.

"Boy bye..." said Kylie.. giggling like a school girl

"You play hard to get...but you're close to melting and when you do....Big Daddy is gonna sop you up like a biscuit.." he said.
"In your dreams." said Kylie..

Monique laughed..

"Sounds like he's sweet on you Kylie.." she said..

''He's sweet on getting me in the bed...and that's as far as it goes with him.. He aint that deep!" snarled Kylie..
"That's half the guys out here.." laughed Monique..

II- the old abandoned prison....
Monica communicated with Nate again...
"Nate don't eat anymore of this food..."she said.
"'s not seasoned that well anyway.." I said.
"I scanned the mind of one of those druids...We are being held here by Captain Moray..." she told me..
''WHAT? HE'S ESCAPED?"I said..
"Apparently.... and from what Monique has told me...He has two imposters that look just like you and me filling in for us...She thinks they're trying to steal and destroy all of his criminal files...."said Monica..
"Damn!" I said..

"It's okay...Kylie gave them copies...The real ones are locked away." thought Monica..
"They might go after his DNA and Forensic Files next..." I thought...
"Monique is certain they will...She's ready for them." thought Monica.
''Which means once they are finished...There will be no need for us.." I thought..
"That's right....They've started lacing the food with sedatives already.....The next batch will have muscle relaxers and a drug that will stop our hearts.." she thought..

'' heard a lot...How many of em are in here?" I asked..
"I counted three...I think I may have a way to get out of here..." said Monica.. "Thing is.. All I have on is this nightshirt and panties.. I at least wish I had a dress on or something.." she thought...
"Damn!" was all I could think...

''Horn Dog!" she thought..
We both laughed...

Monique smiled as her sister walked into the Medical examiner's Office...
"Hi Baby" she said and kissed her sister in the lips.. Something they did every now and then..

But something felt different this time...

''Ewww,  Do you always do that?" said Monica..
"We've greeted each other like that since we were little kids...You know that Mo-Mo." said Monique ,now convinced that this was not her sister..

"Uh Yes...I know...but uh, we are grown women now and we are both married...I don't think our uh husbands would like that.."said Monica.
"Your husband loves it!" said Monique..
"Freak!  He would!" snarled Monica... "You got those DNA and Forensic files I asked for.."
"Yupper...Right here."said Monique..
who passed her sister the files..

"You guys have been looking at a lot of Captain Moray's files...Any reason to believe he's in the area..?" asked Monique..

"No, but we want to be up to snuff on him if he does resurface...He won't catch us off guard this time." said Monica, who managed a smile...  "They'll be on my desk in our place tomorrow...Uh Nate and I are taking a little time off.. We are going to the beach.." she said..

"Oh To the beach huh?" Well Have fun..."said Monique...
"I will.. Thanks Doll." said Monica as she left..
"Thanks Doll?" said Monique to herself.. "That's not my sister." 

Sometime later in an apartment complex on the other side of town....
''It's all done...I burned the DNA and Forensic Files and uh Monica here replaced them with dummy files...You sir are free and clear.." said Nate..
"And you two are six million dollars richer a piece.." said Captain Moray...
"That's what I'm talking about.."said Monica..
"If you'll look out the window, there are two new cars sitting in front of your complex...You are to drive them  out here so you can get your money....The cars are a bonus for you two...Good work guys...Damn good work.." said Captain Moray...
"Ha..Come on, let's head to the "Beach" and get our money." laughed Monica..
"That's what I'm talking about.."said Nate...
They got in the cars and pulled off...

For once they weren't sniping at each other...They were actually happy.....They headed to the city limits at top speed...

Both cars exploded, almost on cue, killing both of them...

The roar of the explosions could be heard at the old abandoned prison, where Captain Moray and his three hoods were holding Nate and Monica..

Captain Moray laughed.

"Oh Dear,...those faulty gas lines on those cars...."he said as he and his cronies snickered.



Toni said...

Dr. Moray is a soulless monster!

Angie B. said...

Oh My God! Moray is as cold blooded as they come!

Sunflower said...

Okay, they've got to take him down now...They've got to..

Halo said...

I'm done with him!