"This spot is pretty funky...Bohemian...I likes." I said.
Jazz Music could be heard coming from the speakers...and it smelled like Jasmine...Fresh jasmine..
"I love the ambience...Leave it to Ms. Yvette to find a place like this.."said Bee Bee.
"Yeah, this is so cool." said Kahlil..
"I like the music...I like everything about it.."said Sofia.
"I do too."said Jade.
''We are meeting here instead of Sam Mother's Joint because???............"said our client, Law student, Myra Edelman
"Because we can talk here..and we don't have to worry about Lt. Tragg or anybody else just happening to walk in on us. We are simply going to show that the victim is a womanizer and that his womanizing led to serious consequences..."said Yvette..
We had a young and pretty Judge....She had been a Defense Attorney herself at one time.... That was one thing in our favor.
Voire Dire had been a game of chess....
ADA McCafferty was a great legal mind and as sly as a fox... Me, Kahlil
and Ms. Yvette
Played a masterful game of bait and switch with him, but he was hip to it....
We battled to a stand still, getting only six jurors we were sure about and splitting six with him...
Bee Bee and Sofia fought to get the two First degree Murder charges dropped down to Second degree Murder and Manslaughter...
ADA McCafferty fought us tooth and nail....We got the death of Food Cart man Jasper Edison reduced only to 2nd Degree Murder....but the charge for Brett Meyers death remained...First Degree Murder..
Meaning if convicted...Myra still faced the death penalty...
McCafferty was indeed good...The best we had faced in a long time...
Our coffees arrived...
Ms.Jade passed Ms. Yvette, Bee Bee and Sofia some files.
They leafed through them....
''We are going to change our strategy a little bit...but I think we can get you off completely.." said Ms. Yvette.
Being a law student...Myra reviewed the files and agreed...
"I have no doubt in my mind that you can.." she said.
ADA McCafferty painted a picture of Brett Myers..
A distinguished and successful young attorney on the rise...Who had a troubled relationship with an intern...He presented her three year employee file..
"This left much to desire..He fired her...She couldn't deal with it and in a rage, she beat him and tossed him out the window..Tragically killing an innocent and unsuspecting man below who had nothing to do with this.." he said..
Ms. Yvette, Bee Bee and Sofia painted a far different picture of him...
One that showed him to be a Racist-Sexist-Narcisstic Condescending monster who made Ms. Edleman's life a living hell daily...and who sexually harassed and assaulted many of the female interns who worked for him.
He created an environment so sexually toxic that many people may have had a motive to kill him and not just our client.
Kahlil and I presented 12 attorneys from the firm who had worked with Myra...They gave her glowing reviews.. We had the written reviews and their testimony...
McCafferty went hard on them on cross examination...but he got nowhere..They loved Myra plain and simple.
He felt that Yvette and us had coached them well...We had, plus them being Attorneys, they understood a guy like ADA McCafferty and his tricks all too well..
He was visibly frustrated and feared he was losing ground.
He was!
He called Dr. Hazel Baylor to the stand...She gave the full autopsy report, stating what we knew about what killed both men...
Bee Bee and Sofia showed the jury enlarged photos of Brett Myers's body in the morgue..
They asked Hazel if she thought a woman, this woman could have done this or if a man could have more than likely did this?
Hazel stated that she always believed that a man must have done this..
McCafferty vigorously objected...He said it called for speculation...
We withdrew the question.
On Cross, McCafferty got Hazel to admit that this was just an opinion and that indeed , a woman Megan's size could very well have done this..
He was good..
He closed after just three days...Telling the jury that Myra was the "ONLY ONE WHO COULD HAVE DONE THIS" and therefore they must find her guilty of both First Degree Murder and Second Degree Murder.. Convictions which could possibly send her to Death Row!
Lt. Tragg nodded his approval... He despised Myra Edelman in a way he hadn't despised another suspect he ever arrested... Her smart remarks and blatant disrespect for him was more than he could take..He wanted her to be convicted and sent to death row...He planned to come to her execution and gloat.
He spied ADA Karen Page and that bastard, B.L. Benz sitting in the spectators section of the court..
He was livid looking at the two of them.
Lead Attorney Beatrice "Bee Bee" Evans gave an impassioned opening statement to her defense...She created a very different portrait of Brett Myers...An Attorney at the very firm she worked at...A Womanizing, Condescending Bully, who also may have slept with a client's wife..
She called Attorney Camilla Monroe...
Camilla Monroe's stunning beauty mesmerized the males on the jury and in the Spectator's section...
Ms. Monroe...You interned at the firm I work for...A little before I started there...Would you mind telling the jury about your time there and what kind of culture it was in Mr. Meyers office.?" said Bee Bee...
"Sure, she said..
"I interned there...I knew the defendant, Myra Edelman quite well...She came a little after I had been there...
"I liked her...I remember when she started out..She was like me, an Intern, A Para -Legal and a law student...Always eager to please...Maybe too eager to please..
She sat out a year after she first started... Brett was always yelling at her, always writing her up...giving her negative evaluations... She was in court with the other attorneys and they had nothing but praise for her work...but with him, it was like it never happened, like it didn't mean anything.. . Those two never got along...I used to feel sorry for her the way he treated her and talked about her...He would create situations that were almost impossible for her to win in and write her up for the least little thing.
There was another girl there, An Amber Reid, I believe..She was young, pretty and in law school too ,just like me..He liked her...He was always complimenting her and buying her things...She could do no wrong...His little pet...but he liked me too." said Camilla.
"He liked you? Explain Ms. Monroe." said Kahlil..
Camilla was not intimidated at all..Her eyes lit up, she smiled... She clearly enjoyed the attention, especially since right now she was the center of it...
"I liked her...I remember when she started out..She was like me, an Intern, A Para -Legal and a law student...Always eager to please...Maybe too eager to please..
She sat out a year after she first started... Brett was always yelling at her, always writing her up...giving her negative evaluations... She was in court with the other attorneys and they had nothing but praise for her work...but with him, it was like it never happened, like it didn't mean anything.. . Those two never got along...I used to feel sorry for her the way he treated her and talked about her...He would create situations that were almost impossible for her to win in and write her up for the least little thing.
There was another girl there, An Amber Reid, I believe..She was young, pretty and in law school too ,just like me..He liked her...He was always complimenting her and buying her things...She could do no wrong...His little pet...but he liked me too." said Camilla.
"He liked you? Explain Ms. Monroe." said Kahlil..
Camilla was not intimidated at all..Her eyes lit up, she smiled... She clearly enjoyed the attention, especially since right now she was the center of it...
"He, Brett Meyers, wanted to sleep with me...He made that apparent from the time I first arrived...For a year, I held off his advances...and they got pretty pronounced..
"You still got rave reviews and good evaluations despite not sleeping with him?" asked Kahlil..
"Oh Yes...The more I held off the better my reviews got...If I wore a mini skirt or a low cut blouse...My reviews and evaluations got even better." she said..
The Jurors roared with laughter...
We had consensual sex....It wasn't bad...I've had better...but anyway...After that one night...Things got even better for me...Great Evaluations, Glowing Reccomendations at several law firms and to my proffesors at law school....He begged me for another night of sex...but I found a way to hold off..
He even came to my graduation..."she said..
"Did you two sleep together again?" asked Sofia.
"We did...Two more times!
The night I graduated from Law School and a few months later after I passed the bar..That was the last time... He continued to call until I had to block his number....." she said..
"I moved to California and got married and moved to New Orleans as I told you...My Husband died and I moved back in Philly...Mr. Myers and I ran into each other...He took me to lunch...I asked him about Amber...He told me she graduated,passed the bar and was working at a good law firm..I asked him about Megan....He said that she was in her final months of Law School and he would be glad when her fat ass finished and left...He said he was tired of looking at her...I said that that wasn't nice and he changed the subject....To me and him hooking up for sex again... I told him I was not interested... That was the last time I saw him...That was a few months ago. "she said.
On Cross examination ADA McCafferty asked..
''So even though he may have been a bit inappropriate, you two had consensual sex and he never threatened your job with it did he?" he asked.
"No but I don't think -" said Camilla.

At the mention of his name,Attorney Amber Reid got very very nervous....you could almost say she broke into a cold sweat..
"I don't know how I uh can help...I haven't seen or heard from him in two years.." she said.
"Tell us about your relationship with him...We see he gave you glowing evaluations the entire time you were at our firm...Even gave you a good reference after you graduated law school and passed the bar...So you two were friends.."said Bee Bee..
Amber sighed...
"He was my boss..We weren't friends...We didn't have a relationship!"she said..
"Oh ?" I said..
"HE RAPED ME!" she said...
The Jury gasped at this revelation...
"When I started working there...he was great...brought me flowers, coffee, pastries everyday...Always very complementary... I'm no fool and I didn't just get off the boat yesterday...I knew he liked me..but I was there to intern...I was in law School, second year, I had gotten a Para Legal certificate...So I was in and out of court with him and different attorneys...
But him? he was different..Asking me a lot of personal questions that didn't pertain to work at all...My bust size, my waist size..what size pantyhose I purchased and he began buying me gifts...Personal gifts...Panties, Bras...Slyly saying he would like to see me in them...He was a bit creepy...I told him, I would rather keep our relationship professional, but he wouldn't let up..He'd take me to lunch, then dinner, then ask me out for drinks... I did it to be socialable..but he kept the pressure on...
And then one day in the office, he sent Myra home early...She was a para legal and an intern also..She was behind me a year or so in law school...Those two never got along...I used to feel sorry for her the way he treated her and talked about her...He made crass remarks about her weight...compared her to a beach whale.. He thought that was funny...I thought it was cruel and a bit childish..He would create situations that were almost impossible for her to win in and write her up for the least little thing..Things he overlooked with Camilla and me and another intern who worked there at the time who he fancied..
He sent her home and he cornered me..He told me he'd always liked me and that I knew it and to stop playing with him...
He chased me around the office and then cornered me..
He started kissing me and wouldn't stop..I tried to get away from him.....He was breathing heavy and he almost ripped my blouse open...He ran his hands up my skirt and was tugging on the waistband of my panties....
I begged him to please stop, but he wouldn't...Soon we slowed down and continued kissing...
We wrestled and we fell to the floor...He had his hands up my skirt and was rubbing my legs and begging me, pleading with me to let him have me...I was begging for him to stop...but he kept on...and the next thing I know, he had my panties down and he was on top of me humping away...
Luckily for me, he didn't last very long and five or ten minutes of non stop humping and he was done.."she said.
(The jury broke out into guffaws of laughter!)
"He apologized profusely to me after that and sent me a bouquet of multi colored roses and a bottle of Champaigne to my home...
He wrote the most glowing recommendation to my professors at school and shortly after that incident, I turned in my resignation..." said Amber.
''Why didn't you report him? Why didn't you tell the police??" said Bee Bee.
"I should have, I started to...I thought about it several times...but who would have believed me? I was a lowly intern...He was a big time Attorney...He'd just say that I teased him...that I egged him on...I kept my mouth shut...I graduated...He came to my graduation...He sent some feelers out for me to different law firms and I landed this job....
He kept calling me late at night, asking, no begging me to let him come over...I wanted no parts of him, especially since I was no longer working there under him......I blocked his number and I moved to another apartment ...
I stopped hearing from him and I settled into this job at my present law firm." she said..
''Ms. Reid, we didn't offer you anything special to testify did we?" I asked.
"No , I'm doing this for Myra....We weren't friends, but I felt sorry for her.."said Amber..
"Though I wouldn't blame her if she did kill him..the way he treated her."said Amber..
McCafferty argued that this was a sham, destroying the victim to gain sympathy for the accused killer. He said that Amber Reid didn't report him because it was to her advantage not to...He called her a fake and an opportunist.He said the same for Camilla Monroe..
"They both benefited from his alleged sexual advances." he retorted..
This didn't go over well with any of the women jurors, who now looked at him as a sexist....
He argued that the next witness was of no relevance and just another attempt to smear the name of the deceased.
"Duly Noted Counselor...Still ,I would like to hear the testimony." said the Judge.
Yvette argued that they were trying to show the series of events that led to the murder.. she called Hostile Witness Cecil Micheals..
He strode to the stand...He eyed Ms. Jade
Who had given him a royal thrashing a few days before......She eyed him back and he turned his head away...
Sofia asked him...
"Is it true that Brett Myers was your attorney at first?" she asked.
"He was." he said.
"You were suing a pharmecutical company according to our company records...They manufactured a muscle developer that increased muscle mass but rendered you impotent, is that correct?" asked Kahlil.
He was visibly embarrassed....Some of the jurors chuckled..
The Male jurors chuckled..
"Sustained...Watch it Counselor!" the Judge said to Kahlil....I could swear she was chuckling herself..
Cecil looked as if he wanted to body slam Kahlil...
''Mr. Myers was winning your case...You were about to win a windfall of money Mr. Micheals and then you fired him..You just up and fired him...Why?" asked Bee Bee..
"I decided to go with somebody else..That's not a crime.."said Cecil..
"If the court gives us a little leeway your honor we will show you where we are going."said Yvette,.
''All right Ms. Jones..You'll get just a little lee way...Make it plain." said the Judge...A young Black woman who appeared to be exasperated with ADA McCafferty for some reason.
"He was sleeping with your wife..wasn't he?" I said.
"What? , No..." said Cecil..
''You're under oath."said Kahlil, who played the recording..
"Just...Just take your clothes off..."
"Mr. Myers...This is highly inappropriate..."
"Is it inappropriate the way you've been looking at me and smiling and sticking your tongue out and licking your lips? I know you want me and I want you... Please...don't make me beg, just pull your panties down..."
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bretttt, lawddddddddddddd! Ouuuuuuuu.."
"Yesssssssssssss… Yesssssssssssssssssssss…...Oh my god you are sooo sexy..."
"Ummmmm you are so hard ...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."
"Ohhhhhhh this is all for you, all for you darlin..."
Sound of bed squeaking..
Some in the jury were embarrassed....Some chuckled....Some were astounded...
Cecil was livid...He stared at Kahlil with red hot rage....He had stolen his manhood this afternoon...He wanted to choke the life out of him...
"I have here the contract and the credit card slip of payment you gave a Private Detective..He gave this recording to you just two weeks before..You went into a rage....Here Is the police report..You beat your wife up and she had a restraining order put out on you soon after you heard this tape.....But that wasn't enough...You went to our office that day and you beat the fool out of Brett Myers and tossed him out the window..Didn't you?" said Bee Bee..
"OBJECTION!!! This is pure speculation...There is no basis of proof OBJECTION!!!!" scoffed ADA McCafferty..
"Easy Counselor, Easy. I'm assuming you have proof counselor?" said the Judge..Speaking to Bee Bee.
"We do....Oh but there is!!... There was three sets of prints in that office....Mr. Myers, Ms. Edelman and YOURS....Fresh prints...You had terminated your relationship with Mr. Meyers weeks ago...Why were you even in the office on that particular morning? When you got booked on the Domestic Violence charge, they took your prints and they are a match for the smudge on the door handle and on the desk and on his chair as you two struggled." said Sofia ,holding up documents..
"Last but not least...This Street Camera caught you making an exit just minutes after the body hit..It was you Cecil...YOU killed Brett Myers."said Yvette..
"I did it!!!...I.... I punched his face until it was unrecognizable...He was my attorney for Christ sakes...My Attorney and he's bangin my tramp, slutty, whore of a wife...He's taking advantage of the situation I was in with that drug...That rotten son of a bitch...I killed him and I'd kill him again gotdamnit! He had two babes workin in his office....Two Babes...Two Babes any man would have fought to have and he had had them both!!Why did he have to mess with MY WIFE???" he shouted and stood up and stomped his foot and kicked the chair to the side of him so hard, it splintered..
The Jury was clearly stunned! They gasped..This man was volatile and full of violence..however justified it was... I felt for him.
Ms. Yvette was startled..
"BAILLIFS! Read him his rights and cuff him."said the Judge... Three Beefy Baillifs read Cecil his rights and cuffed him...He was shaking, literally in tears as he was led out of the courtroom...He was sobbing bitterly....
ADA McCafferty stood up...He was visibly embarrassed...He sighed..
"In Lieu of this new information the people move to drop all charges against Myra Edelman.." he said..
"Duly Noted...Case dismissed. You are free to go Ms. Edelman!" said the Judge..
"Oh Thank you mam!." she said..She hugged Bee Bee..
"Thank you girl...Ouuuuuuuu Thank you all.." she said..
"I knew you didn't do this..."said Bee Bee..
"But nobody blames you if you did."said Sofia.
"That's for sure...I couldn't stand the guy.." I said.
"I hate to speak ill of the dead..but he won't be missed." said Kahlil.
"Jade, Gary once told me there is nothing better than a good investigator..He was right.."said a jubilant Yvette.
"Or good lawyers.."laughed Jade..
ADA McCafferty had some harsh words for Lt. Tragg..
"I don't know how you keep your Gold shield...Frankly...I don't know how you got a Gold shield..Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu." he steamed and stormed out...
Lt. Tragg shook his head...He knew about the third set of prints...but he never thought to look into them...The killer was right there...right there for the taking...As unglued as Cecil Micheals was..He would have confessed on the spot...
B.L. Benz said to Yvette..
"I want you on my show next week." he said..
"I'm not the one...I just supervised and oversaw this one...Beatrice "Bee Bee" Evans was the lead attorney..Interview her."said Ms. Yvette.
"It was a team effort....I couldn't have done this without my team.."said Bee Bee, looking at all of us..
and smiling..
"Then I'll have all of you guys on, Myra too!"said a smiling B.L.
''What do you see in that guy? He's more interested in that cheap regional TV show than he is you.."said Lt. Tragg, who was visibly jealous that Ms. Yvette and us would be on HARD BOTTOM and he wouldn't.
"Arthur, Jealousy is so unbecoming.."said Karen Page, laughing...
We met at the Aqua Rooftop Bar....
"Megan , We got you your job back...You'll be working with Attorney Joel Price...A much nicer guy than Brett Myers... He's married, got two kids...and not by any stretch of the imagination , a womanizer." said Yvette.
"You've only got a few months anyway until you graduate from law school, got any plans?" asked Gary.
As our drinks arrived...
''Well it's nice to still have a job....I'm going to take a break and then study for the bar... Again, I can't thank you guys enough for getting me off.. That jack ass Lt. Tragg once again did slip shoddy work. Did you see him running from the press? They were pilloring him."laughed Myra.
"He should be used to it by now.." laughed Sofia...
"I know ADA McCafferty was livid....I saw him in the hallway bitterly complaining to D.A. Garcetti about Lt. Tragg..."said Kahlil..
"Hey by the way, where is my lady lawyer, Bee Bee?" asked Myra..
"She'll be here...She uh got held up a minute." said Jade..
Bee Bee and I were on the stairwell kissing passionately....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I love you..." she moaned softly...
"I love you too baby.." I said..
As we continued to kiss....I didn't think they would miss us much..
Cecil Micheals was sentenced to 15 years to Life for the murders of Brett Meyers and Jasper Edison...He'd be paroled after serving 15 years...
Lt. Tragg was held up to ridicule once again for not looking into the third set of prints.....or looking at the case files of the murder victim....
No official retribution was brought against him...but he canceled his monthly COMSTAT meeting...He knew he'd catch hell from the other Lieutenants and Segeants he roasted about their performances on the street..
He didn't want to hear it...He exited from the back exit of the courtroom..
The Press was waiting to really give it to him.....He wanted no more courtroom brawls and no more embarrassing press conferences where he was ridiculed.
All that kissing by Bee Bee
and myself..
led us to an early exit....
Back to our apartment complex... My room where I was certain we wouldn't be disturbed..I locked the door and turned down the lights....I had Alexa play us some soft slow music to set the mood and I lit some Jazmine sticks....
Back to our apartment complex... My room where I was certain we wouldn't be disturbed..I locked the door and turned down the lights....I had Alexa play us some soft slow music to set the mood and I lit some Jazmine sticks....
"Ouu you really set a nice mood for this didn't you? How long you been planning to get me up here?" asked Bee Bee with a laugh..
''All week." I said.
I ran my hands up her skirt....rubbing her legs...breathing heavily...Soon I had her Mini Skirt completely up...Her pink bra and matching pink lace bikini panties showing...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuu....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... I like that you don't take me for granted and that you still try to impress me." she moaned...
"Of course I do...Oh My Goddd...Ohh My God..." I moaned....in between sweet, soft kisses....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...ummmmmmmmmm.....ouuu is your door locked?....Oh My Goddd...Ohh My God....ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned..
"Yes...it's locked....Nobody is visiting me this time of night anyway." I said.
"Well hold up, let me get undressed" she giggled in between more soft butter kisses...
I slipped her mini skirt off.....and slipped her panties down and off, and unhooked her bra... she took my suit jacket off and untied my tie...I unzippered my trousers and took my socks and shoes off...
Bee Bee and I had been building up to this all week...She was so invested in this case, that she had slept alone in her room every night while studying for it and working on strategy with us.
I entered her....She was unbelievably soft and moist....I was losing my mind....
I lifted her up and began thrusting into her slowly and softly...She put her arms around my neck and trembled as I went to town...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned...
''Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lawd gurrlllllllllllll.."I found myself yelling..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, oh my god...Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" she moaned..
We were both breathing heavily...
I thrusted my tongue practically down her throat and while squeezing one breast with my hand...and licking on the other one with my mouth"
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed as I continued to thrust , harder and feverishly more.....
Soon we were in my bedroom.. I had her on the bed.....She opened her legs and pulled me closer to her....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I wanted to give you some all week...I'm so sorry baby....so sorry I held back."she whispered softly...as I began to thrust into her a little harder and faster..."Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.."she moaned..
"I understand, you were just staying focused...."I said as we continued making sweet love...
"Thank you...For understanding"" she said..
''Always" I said.
"Ohhh My God...Keith..ouuuu you are so hard....ouuuuuuuuuuu" she moaned..
"Ohhhhh Bee -Bee You get me that way" I said.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, oh my god!" she moaned loudly
She wrapped her legs around my waste and we began to move in a slow, yet deliberate rhythm for quite some time...She matched me thrust for thrust and even kissed my shoulder at one point...She was so soft...so moist and smelled so good...I was losing my mind....She was shaking and looking like she was on the verge of crying the entire time.......
"OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...OHHH MY GOODNESS...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she moaned loudly ,obviously not caring who heard us....
We made sweet passionate and intense love like this for FIVE TO SIX HOURS...Bee Bee began to shake and gyrate and tears began to stream down her face again....I was surprised at how passionate she was ...
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Oh my god Keith...Oh My Lordd! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm" she moaned as the bed squeaked and the headboard slammed hard against the wall...
"Bee Bee....oh my godddddddddddddddddd!" I found myself moaning out loud...
"It's sooooooooooooooo goooddd...Oh my godddddddddddddd it's soooooo gooood Oh my Goddd Keith....ohhhhh don't stoppp, don't stopp...don't ever stop...ouuuuuuuuuuuu" she screamed as we both climaxed in a crescendo of sweat!
''WOW! That was...Ouuu That was incredible..." she said softly.....
"It was..."I said and kissed her again...
She returned my passion....
It took us only a few minutes before we were making sweet love for the second time this night..
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Keith we are doing it again!" she said..
"We are doing it again..."I said softly....
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lawd boy,ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Maye I should hold out on you more...Ouuuuuuu" she moaned...
"Damn girl!"I said.
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu boyyyyyyyyyyyyy ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...ummmmmmmmmmmm,work me...work me...work Bee Bee like a job!Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.."she moaned..
Her speaking in third person made me even more excited....
This time I was going slower and being more tender than I was known for...Bee Bee was smiling so sweetly, even she couldn't believe it..then she began crying, and sweating profusely...
TWO OR THREE MORE HOURS of sweet lovemaking continued...Bee Bee had one of the most intense orgasms she'd had in close to three months...So Did I...
"LAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!" I howled as my feet curled...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ........" cooed Bee Bee as she climaxed hard....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." I moaned...cumming so hard, I felt as if I were being drained of all bodily fluids.
We both woke up a few hours later, smiling at each other....and kissing passionately..
"Ummmmmmmmmmmm we gonna do this again?" she asked..
"Yessssssssssssssssssssss..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.,....yessssssssssssssss.."I moaned....
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you feel so good boy!" she said..
''So do you...Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."I moaned.
For the third time....the two of us were making sweet love..
This time it was slower....tender...not rushed like last night....
Bee Bee was so soft, so wet, smelled like a new born baby.....I was losing my mind.....She was too....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Oh my god Keith...Oh My Lordd! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm/...you are soo hard...umm and so huge...." she moaned as the bed squeaked and the headboard slammed hard against the wall...
"Bee Bee....oh my godddddddddddddddddd!" I found myself moaning out loud...
"It's sooooooooooooooo goooddd...Oh my godddddddddddddd it's soooooo gooood Oh my Goddd Keith....ohhhhh don't stoppp, don't stopp...don't ever stop...ouuuuuu......oh my goodnesss...Wouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.." she moaned...
''Damn girl, this is soo good!" was all I could say....
TWO OR THREE MORE HOURS of sweet lovemaking continued...Bee Bee had another intense orgasm ,So Did I...
"LAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!" I howled as my feet curled...
"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! ........" cooed Bee Bee as she climaxed hard....
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." I moaned...cumming so hard, I felt as if I were being drained of all bodily fluids.
I had nothing left in the tank....I fell back asleep....in between her legs, my head on her chest...That's all I remembered..
Awhile later I awoke, still in between her legs...She smiled at me....
"Think Boss lady will give us a few days off?"she asked..
"Think something else won't happen?" I said.
We both looked at each other and laughed..
"Attorney's life!" we said in unison and laughed some more.
Nice Ending, but was kind of predictable!
Nicely Done! Nicely finished!
Very Well Written Story...
I agree with George s. It , the ending was kind of predictable..but I still enjoyed the story!
Nice story Overall
I really love these charactors.
Love These charactors and this story.
Standing and Applauding and throwing my panties!
The Minute I saw that big brute of a husband...I KNEW he was the killer..The title was right..He was the only one who could have done it.
I didn't think their client Mya was strong enough to hurl him through the window into the street...Though he certainly made her angry enough!
I binge read the last three installments..Excellent!
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