I woke up at the crack of dawn...Sepia lay next to me , nude and silently sleeping... Her clothes were on the floor, tossed in various directions as were mine. We had made wild ,passionate love several times the night before...I was exhausted, I was surprised that I was awake at all...I was awake, but for the first time in about a week, thorougly happy. For the past week I had been driving up and down highways from Philly to New Jersey trying to solve a series of murders and get next to a beautiful blogger I had met from East Orange. All of that done, I now wondered what the day had in store for me.
I got up, Shaved and took a long hot shower and threw on some cologne.. I got dressed and cleaned up around my house...I picked her clothing and underwear up off of the floor, folded it gently and placed it on the chair. She was still asleep.. I walked to the corner and ordered two steaming hot styrofoam cups of coffee from Dunkin Donuts and then walked across the street to the Fresh Grocer and bought some Krispy Creamy Donuts ...You can't beat that combonation.
Just as I was walking out ...My bluetooth buzzzed...It was Cock Robbins.
"Hey Kevin, how are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm doing good Cock, how are you doing?"
I replied.
"I'm doing good...say, look here, I got a
business proposition for you."
"Yeah? I'm listening.." I said. Thinking to myself..."Here it comes...."
"That little caper we just had might make a good
movie.." He said
"You think?" I replied, humoring him.
"Yeah, it's got everything, Sex, Murder, Intrigue,
blackmail and me, a handsome debonair Football
player caught in the middle of it...Girls, Cars, Danger..
Man, It could make millions...Now Denzel Washington
could play me and maybe Don Cheadle could play you
"Slow down playa ...you got this all figured out huh?"
I laughed....
" There's money to be made good brother...write this
thing and call me up..I could act as a Executive Producer and
consultant. Now don't sleep on this bruh..I know some folks..
I got up, Shaved and took a long hot shower and threw on some cologne.. I got dressed and cleaned up around my house...I picked her clothing and underwear up off of the floor, folded it gently and placed it on the chair. She was still asleep.. I walked to the corner and ordered two steaming hot styrofoam cups of coffee from Dunkin Donuts and then walked across the street to the Fresh Grocer and bought some Krispy Creamy Donuts ...You can't beat that combonation.
Just as I was walking out ...My bluetooth buzzzed...It was Cock Robbins.
"Hey Kevin, how are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm doing good Cock, how are you doing?"
I replied.
"I'm doing good...say, look here, I got a
business proposition for you."
"Yeah? I'm listening.." I said. Thinking to myself..."Here it comes...."
"That little caper we just had might make a good
movie.." He said
"You think?" I replied, humoring him.
"Yeah, it's got everything, Sex, Murder, Intrigue,
blackmail and me, a handsome debonair Football
player caught in the middle of it...Girls, Cars, Danger..
Man, It could make millions...Now Denzel Washington
could play me and maybe Don Cheadle could play you
"Slow down playa ...you got this all figured out huh?"
I laughed....
" There's money to be made good brother...write this
thing and call me up..I could act as a Executive Producer and
consultant. Now don't sleep on this bruh..I know some folks..
and with your writing skills and my brains..we could make some serious cash." He said.
What killed me was he was serious...I had to laugh to myself. He then sounded a little solem and he weakly asked me-
What killed me was he was serious...I had to laugh to myself. He then sounded a little solem and he weakly asked me-
"Hey bruh? How is Sepia doing?"
"She's doing just fine.." I said.
"Well if you see her..tell her that I'm sorry and that I'll make it up to her one day." He said.
"Will Do...You take care of yourself Cock...Stay out of trouble, ya hear?" I offered.
"Sure thing Kevin, you know me...Hey ,gotta go...one of my honeys is at my door now..Think on
that movie deal ,okay.." said Cock.
"I sure will bruh." I said, laughing to myself.
When I got home, Sepia was up and dressed. We sat at my kitchen table and ate the donuts and drank the coffee.. I turned on some music...Miles Davis, Sketches of Spain...My Uncle gave me the original record before he died...I had since bought the CD and downloaded it on my IPOD.
It was still timeless music.
"Miles Davis? You are so deep Kevin...I like that about you." Said Sepia.
"So are you..you have a great knowledge of music....I like that about you." I replied being surprised that a girl her age would have even of heard of Miles Davis.
"So what will you do now?" I asked, Wishing and hoping secretly that she'd stay.
" I don't know...I don't have anyone in East Orange
and I hate my job as you know from reading my blog.
I might just want to start over again...a new city,
a new job...you know?"
"Got any ideas of where this transformation might
take place ?" I laughed...
Sepia sat quiet for awhile, then she sighed-
"Hmmmmmmm, maybe a big city on the East Coast."
"Oh, New York, right?"I said, hanging my head..No way Philly could compete with the Big Apple.
"Nah, New York is great, but a little too busy for
my new tastes." She said.
"Oh ,your new tastes" I said.
"Yeah" she giggled...
"I was thinking of a smaller city,
a city of Brotherly love."
(I dedicate this story to my wife, Rosalyn, because she has always liked a good mystery.)
"So what will you do now?" I asked, Wishing and hoping secretly that she'd stay.
" I don't know...I don't have anyone in East Orange
and I hate my job as you know from reading my blog.
I might just want to start over again...a new city,
a new job...you know?"
"Got any ideas of where this transformation might
take place ?" I laughed...
Sepia sat quiet for awhile, then she sighed-
"Hmmmmmmm, maybe a big city on the East Coast."
"Oh, New York, right?"I said, hanging my head..No way Philly could compete with the Big Apple.
"Nah, New York is great, but a little too busy for
my new tastes." She said.
"Oh ,your new tastes" I said.
"Yeah" she giggled...
"I was thinking of a smaller city,
a city of Brotherly love."
(I dedicate this story to my wife, Rosalyn, because she has always liked a good mystery.)
Bravo Keith!
I stayed up to wait for this..It was worth the wait...Great story.
What is the significance of the title- "30" ?
Great Story Keith..Weird title though..."-30-"?? What's that about?
This was worth the wait Keith..So
glad you didn't have a downer ending. I thought she was going to wind up with Cock Robbins..I'm so glad she didn't.
good job Keith. i enjoyed this one all the way to the end.
cant wait to see what other stories you have in store for us!!!
At least they had sex...but I needed a more desriptive scene.Great Story just the same.
@ Anonymous- May I suggest these two blogs... "The Pussy Chats" and
"Adventurous in My Dreams" -They might give you more of what you need. Although there is light erotica on this blog..I do not write about sex just for sex sake ,just like I don't write about gratutitous violence. I write sex scenes only where it helps move the story along.
Kevin, I just wanna say I'm glad you survived. I thought you were a little crazy to get so wrapped up into this bloggers murderous nightmare; all for some potentially good sex! But you found the murderers, got a weeks worth of lovin' in one night (unlike the DVD I'm sure she was sober and active), and you got a potential soul mate out of it all. Maybe your trip to Jersey was like the Dunkin Donuts slogan "Worth The Trip". I feel bad for Sepia losing her mom an having to make some sudden changes, but your there to smooth out the transition. Kevin how old are you and Sepia?
Keith I read this sometime after midnight. Only then did I venture off to bed.
One more thing Kevin; Cock is crazy and ruthless so if you do a movie pay him to stay away, John Singleton to direct, Gabrielle Union to play whatever role she wants, Denzel as Kevin, and Jason Taylor.....
Sorry Keith I think I'm obsessed.
Bravo Brother, Well Worth The Wait.
Now ,What will you do for an encore?
@James Perkins-Next week,I'm going to take a much needed rest..I wrote some poetry which I plan to have scheduled for the next couple of days...and then I have another story idea that I plan to present.
Stay tuned.
Hey Keith, Great Posts on both "Keith's Space and "Escapades"
I'm like James Perkins, what's next
-30- is an old newspaper term that means the end.
That was GREAT Keith absolutely GREAT!
Oh yeah I am glad I wasn't reading as you posted I think the anticipation would have DRIVEN me up a wall. *lol*
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