Monday, October 20, 2008

Take Me To The Water

ART: "Flower Shower" By Wak

The Sun was rising over the mountains at the
event of dawn..
I stood at the river bank
where original life spawns../

The Salvation I need in life is right here with you
Immersed in fluids
during the early morning's cool../

/Take me to the water
and wash me down
baptize me in your love
immerse me
take me down../

/The water is always chilling
the first time
but pleasent sensations
still come to mind../

The Release of the tension signals
the liberation of the soul
the chill of the water gives
me a slight loss of control../

/Take me to the water
and wash me down
baptize me in your love
immerse me
take me down../

/Here I am...
just come and take me
Take me to the water
and wash me down...
salvation is in your love
immerse me in your waters./


SLC said...

Keith I don't always comment but I always read. I'm listening to a playlist called Lady's Lovin. I clicked on escapades as Natalie sang "I got love on my mind" and I see this. The art is always cool but the way you paint with words is dangerous. Wife sleep so I'll just hop on the treadmill. Have a blessed week.

Anonymous said...

Panties drenched...You are dangerous!!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is.....well...well,

Anonymous said...

This was really beautiful keith

Anonymous said...

This was very spiritual, a mixing of the sensual and the spiritual...

Anonymous said...

You do have a way with words brother..How do you maintain two blogs consistantly like this??

Keith said...

@SLC- Thanks for your support..I have another mystery scheduled for

@Anonymous-Take a cold shower

@James- I write a lot of stuff and
schedule it..Like these poems..There is one more and then I begin my next mystery.

@Angie, Toni, Sun-Thanks again for your continued support.