I pinned Sepia up against the wall and kissed her passionately, soulfully...she resisted at first, but then she slowly began to give in and we stood there for a long time just kissing...finnally she broke my embrace and looked up at me...
"I'd love to finish this,
but we can't..we've got
to find Cock...He's in trouble." she said.
"Sepia, why did you lie to me?" I said.
"Why did I lie? Lie to you about what?"
she asked almost innocently.
"At the train station when you took the
call, you said that it was your girlfriend
from East Orange who called you and told
you about the murder of Opal...How could it
have been? It wasn't even in the newspapers
...There wasn't a call from New Jersey..That
was Cock Robbins who called you wasn't it.?"
Sepia began kissing me again, but I broke her embrace...I looked at her long and hard..I didn't
know her, yet here I was , ready to possibly risk my life for someone who could be the murderer
"I'm sorry I lied...It was Cock...
I was just protecting him until I
knew whether I could trust you or not...
Now can we go to Josie's?" She asked.
"You still don't know if you can trust me,
but if you want any kind of help out of me
don't lie to me again.." I said.
"Okay....now can we go?" She asked.
Josie's Bar was about a ten minute drive from my house. It was a neighborhood bar...kind of like a Black version of Cheers. As I walked in I saw the very shapely and attraactive new woman who had just started working at the Magazine...named Mabel Jenkins..she was from Louisiana ..She was writing the Cooking column for us. Mabel was there with her man and her
equally attractive sister, Cora Beth, who had just got married to the other man sitting at the table, Clerow...Didn't know where the name Clerow came from...must be a southern thing..They
were all nice people. The Preacher's wife..Victoria Struthers was at another table with Deacon
Weatherford...I didn't know just what was going on with that..I had heard that she was Mabel's
half sister.
Sepia and I walked past them and sat in a booth...She ordered a Long Island Ice tea...A pretty strong drink considering what we had to do... From a Distance I saw Sean Jackson and his Attorney Conrad Young... Sean had been locked out of his house a few doors from me by a jealous co-worker who found a condom on the floor of his apartment..Sean was naked..he got arrested and was very lucky he had a lawyer like Conrad to get him out. In another corner, I saw those two crazy Kappas...Paris and Blake...they were always involved in some mad caper together.. and finnally sitting by himself at the far end of the bar was the man of the hour, Cockraine Robbins, semi professional Football player.
I could see what Sepia or any woman saw in him...He was a hulk of a man, Dark as Chocolate,
about Six foot four, 230 pounds, all of it well chisled muscle.. He didn't look like the type that would be scared, yet scared he was... Sepia ran to him-
"Cock..Cock...are you alright?
I heard about Brett..First Opal
now Brett." she said
"Sepia...somebody is trying to
kill me..I gotta have a place to stay..
They killed Gail in East Orange, then
they killed Opal and now Brett...I beleive
they mean to kill me next." he said.
"Who is they?"I asked.
Cock looked at Sepia questionly and said -
"Who is he?"
Meaning Me..Sepia looked at him, rubbed his shoulder and soothingly said-
"He's going to help us..
He's a writer."
'A writer? Sepia, my life is in danger
and you bring a writer." he said
"I can gladly go home and leave you both
here to settle this yourself." I said.
Gus, the good natured bartender saw us and recognizing only me said -
"Hey Kev, want a beer?"
"yeah, give me a Corona , with
a lime." I said
Gus winked and tossed me a bottle. The three of us sat at a table and I began to try to peice together a plan of attack.
"Okay Cock, Was Opal seeing someone
else? The reason I ask is because someone
in a very nice car came and picked her up
right after you left her...and he brought her
back...alive...Whoever killed her must've been
waiting for her...You got an idea who this guy
might of been?" I asked
Cock looked angry at first, then he pounded his hands..I could tell by the way he did that that he knew exactly who Opal's last visitor was.
"You gotta car writer?" He asked
"Yeah, it's outside and the name is
Kevin." I said.
"Follow me..I know who he is at least.."
The hunt was on.
"I'd love to finish this,
but we can't..we've got
to find Cock...He's in trouble." she said.
"Sepia, why did you lie to me?" I said.
"Why did I lie? Lie to you about what?"
she asked almost innocently.
"At the train station when you took the
call, you said that it was your girlfriend
from East Orange who called you and told
you about the murder of Opal...How could it
have been? It wasn't even in the newspapers
...There wasn't a call from New Jersey..That
was Cock Robbins who called you wasn't it.?"
Sepia began kissing me again, but I broke her embrace...I looked at her long and hard..I didn't
know her, yet here I was , ready to possibly risk my life for someone who could be the murderer
"I'm sorry I lied...It was Cock...
I was just protecting him until I
knew whether I could trust you or not...
Now can we go to Josie's?" She asked.
"You still don't know if you can trust me,
but if you want any kind of help out of me
don't lie to me again.." I said.
"Okay....now can we go?" She asked.
Josie's Bar was about a ten minute drive from my house. It was a neighborhood bar...kind of like a Black version of Cheers. As I walked in I saw the very shapely and attraactive new woman who had just started working at the Magazine...named Mabel Jenkins..she was from Louisiana ..She was writing the Cooking column for us. Mabel was there with her man and her
equally attractive sister, Cora Beth, who had just got married to the other man sitting at the table, Clerow...Didn't know where the name Clerow came from...must be a southern thing..They
were all nice people. The Preacher's wife..Victoria Struthers was at another table with Deacon
Weatherford...I didn't know just what was going on with that..I had heard that she was Mabel's
half sister.
Sepia and I walked past them and sat in a booth...She ordered a Long Island Ice tea...A pretty strong drink considering what we had to do... From a Distance I saw Sean Jackson and his Attorney Conrad Young... Sean had been locked out of his house a few doors from me by a jealous co-worker who found a condom on the floor of his apartment..Sean was naked..he got arrested and was very lucky he had a lawyer like Conrad to get him out. In another corner, I saw those two crazy Kappas...Paris and Blake...they were always involved in some mad caper together.. and finnally sitting by himself at the far end of the bar was the man of the hour, Cockraine Robbins, semi professional Football player.
I could see what Sepia or any woman saw in him...He was a hulk of a man, Dark as Chocolate,
about Six foot four, 230 pounds, all of it well chisled muscle.. He didn't look like the type that would be scared, yet scared he was... Sepia ran to him-
"Cock..Cock...are you alright?
I heard about Brett..First Opal
now Brett." she said
"Sepia...somebody is trying to
kill me..I gotta have a place to stay..
They killed Gail in East Orange, then
they killed Opal and now Brett...I beleive
they mean to kill me next." he said.
"Who is they?"I asked.
Cock looked at Sepia questionly and said -
"Who is he?"
Meaning Me..Sepia looked at him, rubbed his shoulder and soothingly said-
"He's going to help us..
He's a writer."
'A writer? Sepia, my life is in danger
and you bring a writer." he said
"I can gladly go home and leave you both
here to settle this yourself." I said.
Gus, the good natured bartender saw us and recognizing only me said -
"Hey Kev, want a beer?"
"yeah, give me a Corona , with
a lime." I said
Gus winked and tossed me a bottle. The three of us sat at a table and I began to try to peice together a plan of attack.
"Okay Cock, Was Opal seeing someone
else? The reason I ask is because someone
in a very nice car came and picked her up
right after you left her...and he brought her
back...alive...Whoever killed her must've been
waiting for her...You got an idea who this guy
might of been?" I asked
Cock looked angry at first, then he pounded his hands..I could tell by the way he did that that he knew exactly who Opal's last visitor was.
"You gotta car writer?" He asked
"Yeah, it's outside and the name is
Kevin." I said.
"Follow me..I know who he is at least.."
The hunt was on.
(To be continued......)
Wow, you dropped a lot of red herrings in this one...Mabel, the guys from "The Tell Tale Condom",
even the two brothers from "Blind Date"..I've been reading your blog for a long time Keith..That was a cute little gimmick, but you made it work without it being corny. Still loving this story.
Nicely Done. The story is bangin.
I'm loving the artwork you are showcasing too in these stories.
Hey man, I like the story, but when is there gonna be a payoff??
Know what I'm talkin about..Is he ever going to get horizontal with this girl or not??
@Toni, Angie B- Thanks for the love.
@Anonymous- This is not erotica,it's a murder mystery...I'm
sorry if you're not getting the juicy sex scenes you desire...but the story isn't even close to being finished...I'm sure in time there will be the "payoff" you desire.-lololol.Thanks for your comments just the same.
I'm loving this story...Where are you finding this artwork?? I'm loving it.
@ Sunflower, Angie B- Click on the links on the individual posts..They will lead you to sites where you can purchase the artwork.
Even Murder Mysteries Have Sex scenes.
Keith where was I? Everybody was at Josie's except me! I'm a jazz trumpet player, and a smoove talker. Seriously shocked to see Clerow there. Philly must be addictive just like your story lines.
I'm all caught up now. It's a good start. I'm curious to see where it goes. A lot has happened in a seemingly small amount of time. If i were Kevin, I'm not sure I would be up for all this for a blogger I just met "in real life."
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