Friday, April 26, 2019

Kind Of Like Us

ADA Ron Harper kept Gary Lockwood under watch 24/7......

He knew how many nights Yvette spent with him at his house....

"Ummmmmmmmmm Gary.." she moaned.

"Ohhhhhhhh Yvettte.." he moaned.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,ohhhhhhhhh Gary." Yvette moaned..
Before Gary discovered the micro listening device and the micro-camera.. He saw them making hot sweaty love....

Likewise he saw how many times and how many nights Gary spent at Yvette's apartment..

and how often they made sweet love there too....

So he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Yvette and Gary were indeed an item....He didn't like it...He didn't like it at all!


 In court ,it was throwing him off of his game.....He had asked for a continuum...Usually when he did this.. He'd regroup and come out with all guns blazing....He had in trials before.. But instead of researching this case.. He had spent his time researching Ms. Yvette's love life...It showed in court...

He made one dumb move after another....

Ms. Yvette, and I, Bee Bee, Sofia and Kahlil were eating him and his witnesses alive...We had reduced most of their testimony to nothing more than gossip on hard cross examinations..
Something my dad found more than amusing ,if not surprising...He tried very hard to hide his amusement...
ADA Harper wasn't too harsh with us, but his exchanges with Ms. Yvette seemed to take on a personal edge..
Ms. Yvette was mildly amused...
My dad called them both to his chambers after one particularly testy exchange between them...

"Is something else going on here that I should know about?" he asked.

"Not with me your honor." said Yvette..
"No." ADA Harper grudgingly said..
''Well then play nice." he said.

ADA Harper gave his closing argument......

"I don't think he's convinced the jury of anything..."I said.
"If anything.. He's confused them more.." said Kahlil, who was good at reading juries.
"Our turn next...I can't wait.." said Yvette.
"What was that that was going on between you two?" asked Bee Bee..
"Yeahhh,  that seemed a little personal." said Sofia..
"He's Butt Hurt that Gary and I are together...I told him from day one that I had a man....I guess he didn't believe me...He thought Miles Ellis was my man and he sent me photos of Miles and Alexandria Miller, kissing ,out to dinner and Miles leaving her loft early in the morning, then sent those flowers and that corny message..."said Ms. Yvette.
"So when he saw you two kissing in Sam Mothers last week, he knew for sure that you had a man.." said Bee Bee.
''Yeah and he's had a Private Investigator named Slim Magill watching us for weeks. Had Gary's place bugged and snapped photos of Gary

 coming and going from my place....
 and even snapping a photo of Gary and I Kissing in the playground...  Can you believe that?" said

 asked an exasperated Ms. Yvette...

''And you know this how?" I asked, amused by it all.

"Oh It was simple... He was watching us...

And Jade was watching him..." laughed Ms. Yvette.


Our Client, Jane Lyedecker looked at Ms. Yvette easnestly and asked her...

"Do you really think you can win this thing? I'm just so tired....I didn't do this...I'm so tired of saying that I didn't..I can't believe people think I did.."she sighed..

''And we are going to prove that...I have an idea who really killed Vonnie Rogers and it had nothing to do with you.." said Yvette..

ADA Ron Harper glared at Lt. Tragg...

"Well Once again you've done your usual bang up job Lieutenant.." he  said sarcastically..."Your damn eyewitnesses didn't see a gotdamn thing and most of their testimony is pure hearsay...And out of the 9 of them, only three actually knew all of the players personally.." he snarled..
"Relax ,will ya? "Look, you got the murder weapon...That was proven.. That's Roger's Blood and Brain matter on that pipe...You got that in the trash can outside of Lyedecker's house...It's a slam dunk..."said Lt. Tragg..

"I hope so...I definitely don't want to lose to Yvette Jones..." said Ron Harper..

"I thought you had a thing for her? You couldn't take your eyes off of her at first....Guess you found out she's Gary Lockwood's girl huh?" laughed Lt. Tragg..

"YOU KNEW? Why didn't you tell me?' asked Ron Harper.
"You never asked and besides...It was none of my business." said Lt. Tragg.

The first day,I called two guys...Two guys who had had relationships with Anita Mann, both men testified that she dropped them for the slimmest reasons..That they couldn't live up to Tralfaz Harris, the dead woman's fiance...
ADA Harper vigourously argued relevance , but kept missing the mark during cross examination...We had presented everything about our witnesses to him during discovery, but his mind had been on Ms. Yvette's love life and not this trial.
Ms. Yvette came to my defense.. and said that we were going somewhere with this...
I have to give my dad credit...He had been as impartial as possible this entire trial, not siding with either side too much...I was surprised..

My father said... "Alright, but tread lightly."
The Next day, Sofia called four women...Four women who had been involved with Tralfaz Harris...They all testified that Anita Mann was always around, always giving her opinion, that she never gave them a minute of peace and that Tralfaz always deferred to her...So much so that they decided to leave him.

The day after that, Kahlil called four men who had been involved romantically and sexually with Anita Man...All of their relationships ,they testified had been short lived..She had seemingly broke up with them for no reason...They all said that could not measure up to Tralfaz Harris....
ADA Harris complained bitterly , but all of this was in discovery....He just hadn't done his homework...he had no counter argument...

"Tralfaz Harris is not on trial here...He wasn't even in town when this happened." he argued..."Neither he nor Anita Mann is on trial here.." he pleaded..
My father, who had read everything in discovery looked at him sympathetically ,but had no choice but to side with Yvette and us , though only partially..

"Ms. Jones ,just where are you going with this line of questioning?" asked my father.
"If you allow me just a little indulgence ,I'll wrap this up right now your honor...I call Anita Mann to the stand..."said Yvette.. Anita Mann looked surprised, but she walked up and sat down...She had on a smart, tailored White Business Suit, White Mini Skirt, Red Stilletto Heels to match, Hair done up... "Ms. Mann, how long have you known Tralfaz Harris?"asked Yvette.. "Oh Nine ,Ten years..." she said, smiling gingerly...
''What was the nature of your relationship? Platonic...Just buds...or more?" asked Bee Bee. "Just Buds...Best Friends....Platonic.." she said. "You are under oath.."said Bee Bee, who took out a photo, snapped in the park of her and Tralfaz Harris not only kissing passionately, but she obviously had the zipper of his trousers down andher hand in his pants...

Since they had slept together two times in the past week...Anita Mann had Tralfaz Harris where she wanted him...Totally under her spell... Some of the Jury smiled sheepishly.....Others gasped..

Bee Bee showed another photo of her and Tralfaz in a car in the parking lot...He had her blouse off and had his lips around one of her breasts...

 "Platonic right? Righttttttttttttttttttttttt?" said Bee Bee...

She and Ms. Yvette looked like Olivia and Beverly up there he way they were running this interrogation...

I watched Bee Bee as she walked back to her seat, She was so sexy.....And the thing is....I always thought so....

Listening to the description of the relationship between Tralfaz and Anita....I kept thinking...They sounded Kind of like us... Me and Bee Bee, in a twisted kind of way..

Ms. Yvette went on the attack...

"You ran off four of his girlfriends....and you yourself couldn't have a guy because you wanted Tralfaz Harris and only him.....but then came Vonnie Rogers...The love of his life...She wouldn't back down or put up with your crap and worse...She was the one, the one he was going to marry.. And so since you couldn't run her off...You bashed her head in didn't you?" asked Ms. Yvette.. "You..You're drawn...You're crazy...."she exclaimed...
Tralfaz Harris stared at her in shock...

I came up to the court with the iron pipe...The murder weapon.... "This is the pipe you bashed her head in with...Her blood and her brain matter is on it....Your fingerprints and DNA are not on it because you probably wore latex gloves...but you made one little mistake."I said.

"Just one, but it was a big one.." said Sofia.

"A piece of pipe this size went missing from the boiler room in the basement of your building...It went missing the day Ms. Rogers was bludgeoned to death...The B-Mechanic couldn't find it.. He had to replace it...Then we showed him a photo of this and better yet, with the help of the Police.. We took it to him.. A Perfect match...From your building." said Kahlil...
"You stole that pipe out of your own building...and after closing you snuck into Ms. Roger's Hairdressing shop and bashed her head in..."said Yvette.

Bee Bee had one more photo.... "This is from a street camera....That's you in front of Ms. Lyedecker's house isn't it? Not too long after the murder isn't it..?" asked Bee Bee.. Tralfaz Harris blurted out... "OH MY GOD!!! IT WAS YOU!!! YOU KILLED MY VONNIE...OH MY GOD!!!" he screamed.

"Order.....Order in the court..."said my father..

"Babyyyyyyyyyyyy..please...this is not what it looks like....I'm innocent..."screamed Anita Mann...

"BOTH OF YOU STOP THIS....ORDER!!" said my father..

Anita Mann was crying profusely..... "Tralfaz, I love you....I've always loved you....I never wanted to be your buddy...I wanted to be your lover.....You're the only man I've ever loved...I swear ,I didn't kill her...I swear....."she said, crying profusely...

Yvette rested her case.....

It took the jury just twenty minutes to find Jane Lyedecker NOT GUILTY of First Degree Murder ..

 She hugged Yvette and all of us... "Oh Thank you.....Thank You Guys so much!" she gushed.

"What will You do now? asked Bee Bee..

"Oh I think I'm going to go and have myself a cold beer somewhere."said Jane Lyedecker..finally smiling..
'That's a great idea Jane...I think I'm going to do that myself." said Kahlil, laughing..

"I think we all are.." said Sofia..
Yvette looked over at a smiling Jade...

"The person you should really thank is my investigator, Jade Lee...She did the last minute leg work.." said Yvette...

Jade smiled and waved...
Gary Lockwood was walking in just then...

ADA Ron Harper, totally exasperated stared at him...
He gently pulled Ms. Yvette to him and

 kissed her passionately...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gary....Ouuuuuuuu..we need to take this out of here.....Ummmmm.." she moaned breathlessly..
"You're right...Your place is closer..." he said as they walked hand in hand out of the courthouse..
ADA Harper stomped his foot angrily....He couldn't look at Lt. Tragg who had loused up his case again...
and who was busy doing what he did best...Addressing the press...

"We are going to be looking into Anita Mann for this..." he said, trying to deflect from the fact that he had once again arrested the wrong suspect..

"Ha...I'll bet you that the investigator for the defense has pointed that out." said a reporter, which was met by guffaws of laughter..

"You know...Nobody needs smart remarks like that..."said Lt. Tragg...

'What we need is better police work from you.." said the reporter..

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyy YOUUUUU...I'm gonna straighten your mouth out buddy.." snarled Lt. Tragg as he once again charged the reporters ...

Fists began swinging...Punches were thrown...Reporters and Policemen tried to get in between the men and quell the disturbance...

"Awwwww hell, here we go.."said an exasperated ADA Ron Harper...

 My Father cracked up laughing and shook his head..
 So did I...
 "That's not funny, come on let's get out of here.."said Bee Bee..

"That's right Beatrice...Keep my son straight..."said my dad, who looked at me, then looked at Bee Bee in her white mini skirt and shook his head and smiled...
 "Yeah, come on babes...Let's get out of here.."said Kahlil..
 "Don't have to tell me twice.."said Sofia..
"The Van is outside...Come on.."said Jade..

And we left....
as the melee continued...

End of a long case.....


It took awhile, but Anita Mann was arrested and charged with First Degree Murder...She was convicted and sentenced to 99 years. She writes to Tralfaz Harris often...but he has never answered one of her letters or visited her... Bee Bee and I sat in my apartment talking about the case....
''Anita Mann loved Tralfaz Harris all that time...She manipulated all of his girlfriends into leaving, ran all of her boyfriends off....He was the one she wanted...Him alone and she wasn't going to let a little thing like a fiancé get in the way of that..."I said.
"Wow...It was kinda like us....I knew I loved you even in college and no guy could satisfy me...I was either talking about you too much or measuring them by you..."said Bee Bee..
"Wow, same here...Nobody really did it for me like you did...." I said..
"Why didn't you just say something Keith?  I wasn't going to bite your head off, even if my answer was no, which it wouldn't have been.." said Bee Bee..
"Anita Mann made her move after the death of Vonnie….and from what I saw on the film, she was blowing his mind....I think if she had of said something sooner...They may have gotten together.." I said.

"You made your move on me...kind of subtley….Kissing me those two times...And I eventually blew your mind didn't I?" said Bee Bee slyly...
"You were wearing that same black skirt too weren't you? I remember... Hey have you got the red lace bra on under it too?" I asked..
"You are so nasty and crazy.."she laughed.. "Nooooooooooooooooooooo.. But I'll tell you a secret...That last time you kissed me....In my apartment...If Sofia hadn't of walked in....You might have gotten lucky that night." she said and smiled.
''WOW!" was all I could say...

I remembered what Bee Bee said to me, the morning after we first made love..
"You want some more don't you?" she asked.
"Most definitely...It's all I can think about.." I said..

''REALLYYYY???? Well to answer your question....I'm not a friends with benefits type of girl.. You of all people know that...As many times as we've sat up late and talked in college...I'm an all or nothing girl...Last night was off the chain...You are surprisingly the best I've had in a long while. .But that being said...Make me an offer...Be my man and mine alone....I'll give you time to make up your mind Keith....but don't take too long....If you don't want to be my man ,that's cool...You'll always be my guy.. Always...I couldn't live in a world and not be your friend...but if you want some more of what you had last night...It'll cost you....I'm just saying..." she said bluntly... 

I was sitting here now staring at her...

"WOW!  My Goodness...and now I have all of you....My goodness." I said and smiled.
"What? You're looking at me like you want to kiss me.." she said, smiling..
"I want to do more than that.." I said.
"Why am I not surprised? You can't keep your hands off of me.....That's okay...because I don't want you to.. Oh and I'm wearing a Black bra...and something else" she said...

I took Bee Bee in my arms and kissed her passionately, which led to us taking our clothes off slowly, kissing some more..

She was wearing a black bustier and garters and black sheer nylon pantyhose beneath her dress..My eyes nearly bulged out of my head..
"Do you...Do you usually wear something like this under your..

under your clothes?" I asked.

Bee Bee giggled..

"How many times have we made love after work or period?  You know I don't... But today, with the trial ending, I figured I'd surprise you....You surprised?" she asked..

"Y-YES..OH MY GOD!!!" I said.

"Well don't just stand there gawking at me...Come over here.." she said..As she stretched across my bed...

I wasted no time coming over to her ,holding her in my arms and we wasted no time..

 winding up on top of my bed , making sweet love for the rest of the afternoon...
Bringing to an end...Another case!


Anonymous said...


Toni said...

Good Story as usual!

Angie B. said...

Loved It!

Sunflower said...

Nice Story and ending!

Vanessa said...

For Once Lt. Tragg said something right...It wasn't his business to tell ADA Harper that Yvette was seeing Gary.

Lisa said...

He never asked him.. Why would he volunteer that information?

Halo said...

When we first meet Yvette way back in that Olivia/Beverly story she appeared a bit thirsty for a man...Now she's the hot thing and the apple of many men's eyes...Funny how time and events changes a person's situation.

Cheryl said...

I remember that...Since then she's slept with Keith Jones and Gary Lockwood and has been courted by Miles Ellis and Ron Harper...

Tate 2 said...

Bet that makes her feel all tingly and womanly huh? LOL!

Grover Tha Playboy said...


Rita said...

I imagine it does...When you're involved with someone you do tend to perk up a bit...You're happier and it reflects in your dress, the way you carry yourself and all.

Brenda said...

Absolutely...Yvette had no friends then, No social life..She worked and went home...Sat in her underwear listening to Jill Scott...Now she has friends...She enjoys practicing law again and she has a man...Big difference.